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便携式叶绿素荧光仪 PAM-2500是 Schreiber教授因发明PAM系列调制叶绿素荧光仪而获得首届国际光合作用协会(ISPR)创新奖
1983年,WALZ公司首席科学家、德国乌兹堡大学的Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世界第一台调制荧光仪——PAM-101/102/103,使在自然光下测量叶绿素荧光成为现实,解决了科学界近50年的技术瓶颈。PAM-101/102/103迅速在植物生理、生态、农学、林学、水生生物学等领域得到广泛应用,出版了大量高水平研究文献。但该仪器比较笨重,不易带到野外。
1992年,WALZ公司首席科学家、调制荧光仪发明人、德国乌兹堡大学的Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世界第一台便携式调制荧光仪——PAM-2000,并且在植物生理生态学等科研领域得到广泛应用,此后十几年中成为全球最畅销的调制荧光仪。
便携式叶绿素荧光仪 PAM-2500采用了独特的调制技术和饱和脉冲技术,从而可以通过选择性的原位测量叶绿素荧光来检测植物光合作用的变化。PAM-2500的调制测量光足够低,可以只激发色素的本底荧光而不引起任何的光合作用,从而可以真实的记录基础荧光Fo。PAM-2500具有很强的灵敏度和选择性,使其即使在很强的、未经滤光片处理的环境下(如全日照甚至是10000 μmol m-2 s-1的饱和光强下)也可测定荧光产量而不受到干扰。因此,PAM-2500不但适合在实验室人工控制的环境下测量,还可以在自然环境中甚至是强烈的全光照条件下开展野外科学研究。
PAM-2500不仅可以连接电脑通过Windows XP SP2系统或Vista系统操作,还可连接UMPC通过Windows XP Tablet PC Edition来操作。UMPC带60G硬盘,1G内存,功能堪比笔记本电脑。

* 声誉卓著的PAM-2100的升级版
 * 精巧、准确、迅速、操作简便的高级光合作用检测设备
 * 利用强大的UMPC电脑进行操作,完全基于Windows操作系统,界面友好
 * 利用超强发光二极管(LED)提供光化光和饱和脉冲,不再使用散热量大的卤素灯
 * 强大的数据收集、分析和存贮功能
 * 内置锂电池可满足长时间野外工作需要,并可连接外置12 V电池
 * 多种叶夹可供选择,专利设计的光适应叶夹2030-B可同时记录PAR和温度变化
 * 60 G硬盘,无限量存储
 * 可测荧光诱导曲线的快速上升动力学O-I-D-P相和O-J-I-P相
 * 可测荧光诱导曲线的慢速下降动力学并进行淬灭分析(Fo、Fm、F、Fo’、Fm’、Fv/Fm、Y(II)= ΔF/Fm’、qL、qP、qN、NPQ、Y(NPQ)、Y(NO)、ETR、C/Fo、PAR和叶温等)
 * 可测光响应曲线和快速光曲线(RLC)
 * 可在线检测植物、微藻、地衣、苔藓等的光合作用变化
 * 操作功能强大,特别适合野外操作,野外操作也使用Windows系统
* 测量光:红色LED,630 cnm,FWHM 20 nm;调制频率测量Fo时5-5000 Hz可选,打开光化光时1-100 kHz可选,测量荧光诱导动力学的快相时200 kHz;20级可调。
* 光化光源:
    蓝色光化光:LED,455 nm,FWHM 20 nm,光强范围0-800 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR,20级可调。
    红色光化光:LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,光强范围0-5000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR,20级可调。
* 饱和脉冲:红色LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,最大PAR 25 000 μmol m-2 s-1,持续时间0.1-0.8 s可调,光强20级可调。
* 远红光:LED,750 nm,FWHM 25 nm,20级可调。
* 单周转饱和闪光:红色LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,最大PAR 125 000 μmol m-2 s-1,持续时间5-50 s可调。
* 多周转饱和闪光:红色LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,最大PAR 25 000 μmol m-2 s-1,持续时间1-300 ms可调,光强20级可调。
* 信号检测:PIN-光电二极管,带长通滤光片(T(50%)=715 nm),带选择性锁相放大器。
* 测量参数:Fo、Fm、F、Fo’、Fm’、Fv/Fm、Y(II)= ΔF/Fm’、qL、qP、qN、NPQ、Y(NPQ)、Y(NO)、ETR、C/Fo、PAR和叶温等。
* 耗电:基础操作1.6 W,内置光源(测量光、红色和蓝色光化光、远红光)为最大输出时8 W,饱和脉冲最大输出时37 W。
* 充电时间:关机状态下约需6 h。
* 微型光量子传感器:测量光合有效辐射(PAR),测量范围0~20000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR
* 热电耦(温度传感器):Ni-CrNi,直径0.1 mm,测量范围20~+60℃
* 数据通讯:USB;蓝牙v2.0+EDR Class 2
* 操作系统:  Windows XP Tablet PC Edition,Windows XP SP2或Vista
* 超移动个人电脑(UMPC)参数
    型号:三星Q1 Ultra触摸屏UMPC
    处理器:Intel A110 800MHz ULV
    缓存:512 Kb
    内存:1G的DDR II内存
    硬盘:60 G,4200 rpm
    显示器:7英寸WSVGA触摸屏显示器,1024 x 600像素
    图形卡:Intel GMA950,最大128 M共享内存
    通讯方式:USB 2.0(两个);有线LAN;无线LAN(802.11b/g);蓝牙2.0+EDR
    电池:两块锂电池,一块为7.4 V/4 Ah,可工作3.5 h,另一块为7.4 V/7.8 Ah,可工作6 h
    供电:100-240 V AC,50-60 Hz
1.             Ahmed H, Häder D-P: Rapid ecotoxicological bioassay of nickel and cadmium using motility and photosynthetic parameters of Euglena gracilis Environmental and Experimental Botany 2010, 69(1):68-75.[PAM-2000]
2.             de la Peña TC, Redondo FJ, Manrique E, Lucas MM, Pueyo JJ: Nitrogen fixation persists under conditions of salt stress in transgenic Medicago truncatula plants expressing a cyanobacterial flavodoxin. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

3.             de Oliveira VC, Joly CA: Flooding tolerance of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae): morphological, physiological and growth responses Trees - Structure and Function 2010, 24(1):185-193.[PAM-2100]

4.             Gladis F, Karsten EU, Schumann R: Prevention of biofilm growth on man-made surfaces: evaluation of antialgal activity of two biocides and photocatalytic nanoparticles  Biofouling 2010, 26(1):89-101.[PAM-2000]

5.             Gould KS, Dudle DA, Neufeld HS: Why some stems are red: cauline anthocyanins shield photosystem II against high light stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 2010:in press.[IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2500, PAM-2000]

6.             Guadagno CR, De Santo AV, D'Ambrosio N: A revised energy partitioning approach to assess the yields of non-photochemical quenching components Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2010, 1797(5):525-530.[PAM-2000]

7.             Iglesias-Baena I, Barranco-Medina S, Lázaro-Payo A, López-Jaramillo FJ, Sevilla F, Lázaro J-J: Characterization of plant sulfiredoxin and role of sulphinic form of 2-Cys peroxiredoxin. Journal of Experimental Botany 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

8.             Ilík P, Kotabová E, Špundová M, Novák O, Kaňa R, Strzałka K: Low-light-induced Violaxanthin De-epoxidation in Shortly Preheated Leaves: Uncoupling from ΔpH-dependent Nonphotochemical Quenching. Photochemistry and Photobiology 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

9.             Kurzbaum E, Beer S, Eckert W: Alterations in delayed and direct phytoplankton fluorescence in response to the diurnal light cycle. Hydrobiologia 2010, 639(1):197-203.[PAM-2000]

10.           Laviale M, Prygiel J, Créach A: Light modulated toxicity of isoproturon toward natural stream periphyton photosynthesis: A comparison between constant and dynamic light conditions Aquatic Toxicology 2010:in press.[PAM-2100]

11.           Li G, Wan S, Zhou J, Yang Z, Qin P: Leaf chlorophyll fluorescence, hyperspectral reflectance, pigments content, malondialdehyde and proline accumulation responses of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) seedlings to salt stress levels Industrial Crops and Products 2010, 31(1):13-19.[PAM-2000]

12.           Lovelock CE, Grinham A, Adame MF, Penrose HM: Elemental composition and productivity of cyanobacterial mats in an arid zone estuary in north Western Australia Wetlands Ecology and Management 2010, 18(1):37-47.[PAM-2100]

13.           Naidoo G, Naidoo Y, Achar P: Responses of the mangroves Avicennia marina and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza to oil contamination Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 2010:in press.[PAM-2100]

14.           Parolin P, Waldhoff D, Zerm M: Photochemical capacity after submersion in darkness: How Amazonian floodplain trees cope with extreme flooding Aquatic Botany 2010:in press [PAM-2000]

15.           Ren W, Tan H, Wu J, Deng Y, Wu Y, Tang Y, Cui X: UV light spectral response of photosynthetic photochemical efficiency in alpine mosses. Journal of Plant Ecology 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

16.           Richter A, Peter E, Pörs Y, Lorenzen S, Grimm B, Czarnecki O: Rapid Dark Repression Of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Synthesis In Green Barley Leaves. Plant and Cell Physiology 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

17.           Rodriguez-Brljevich C, Kanobe C, Shanahan JF, Robertson AE: Seed treatments enhance photosynthesis in maize seedlings by reducing infection with Fusarium spp. and consequent disease development in maize European Journal of Plant Pathology 2010, 126(3):343-347.[PAM-2000]

18.           Solhaug K, Larsson P, Gauslaa Y: Light screening in lichen cortices can be quantified by chlorophyll fluorescence techniques for both reflecting and absorbing pigments Planta 2010, 231(5):1003-1011.[PAM-2000]

19.           Solovchenko AE, Merzlyak MN, Pogosyan SI: Light-induced decrease of reflectance provides an insight in the photoprotective mechanisms of ripening apple fruit Plant Science 2010, 178(3):281-288.[PAM-2000]

20.           Sun X, Fu T, Chen N, Guo J, Ma J, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L: The Stromal Chloroplast Deg7 Protease Participates in the Repair of Photosystem II after Photoinhibition in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 2010, 152:1263-1273.[PAM-2000]

21.           Sun X, Ouyang M, Guo J, Ma J, Lu C, Adam Z, Zhang L: The thylakoid protease Deg1 is involved in photosystem-II assembly in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

22.           Wen L, Chen T, Zhang M, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Duan Z, An L, Jian Q, Peng R: Seasonal changes in anthocyanin contents and in activities of xanthophyll and ascorbate–glutathione cycles in Sabina species derived from different environments. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

23.           Weng J-H, Jhaung L-H, Lin R-J, Chen H-Y: Relationship between photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and the photochemical reflectance index of mango tree: merging data from different illuminations, seasons and leaf colors. Tree Physiology 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

24.           Wu L-q, Lv Y-l, Meng Z-x, Chen J, Guo S-X: The promoting role of an isolate of dark-septate fungus on its host plant Saussurea involucrata Kar. et Kir. . Mycorrhiza 2010, 20(2):127-135.[PAM-2100]

25.           Xiong X, James VA, Zhang H, Altpeter F: Constitutive expression of the barley HvWRKY38 transcription factor enhances drought tolerance in turf and forage grass (Paspalum notatum Flugge). Molecular Breeding 2010, 25:419-432.[PAM-2100]

26.           Xue Y, Peng R, Xiong A, Li X, Zha D, Yao Q: Over-expression of heat shock protein gene hsp26 in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances heat tolerance Biologia Plantarum 2010, 54(1):105-111.[PAM-2100]

27.           Yin Y, Li S, Liao W, Lu Q, Wen X, Lu C: Photosystem II photochemistry, photoinhibition, and the xanthophyll cycle in heat-stressed rice leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

28.           Yin Z, Meng F, Song H, He X, Xu X, Yu D: Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Planta 2010, 231(4):875-885.[PAM-2100]

29.           Zell MB, Fahnenstich H, Maier A, Saigo M, Voznesenskaya EV, Edwards GE, Andreo C, Schleifenbaum F, Zell C, Drincovich MF et al: Analysis of Arabidopsis with Highly Reduced Levels of Malate and Fumarate Sheds Light on the Role of These Organic Acids as Storage Carbon Molecules. Plant Physiology 2010, 152:1251-1262.[PAM-2000]

30.           Zhang S, Song J, Wang H, Feng G: Effect of salinity on seed germination, ion content and photosynthesis of cotyledons in halophytes or xerophyte growing in Central Asia. Journal of Plant Ecology 2010:in press.[PAM-2100]

31.           卜令铎, 张仁和, 常宇, 薛吉全, 韩苗苗: 苗期玉米叶片光合特性对水分胁迫的响应. 生态学报 2010, 30(5):1184-1191.[PAM-2100]

32.           陈鹭真, 王文卿, 张宜辉, 丽 黄, 赵春磊, 杨盛昌, 杨志伟, 陈粤超, 徐华林, 钟才荣 et al: 2008年南方低温对我国红树植物的破坏作用. 植物生态学报 2010, 34(2):186-194.[PAM-2100]

33.           陈友根, 陈劲枫, 李为观, 崔利, 陈龙正: 甜瓜属不同倍性异源多倍体光合特性及超微结构研究. 南京农业大学学报 2010, 33(1):32-36.[PAM-2100]

34.           杨淑萍, 危常州, 梁永超: 盐胁迫对不同基因型海岛棉光合作用及荧光特性的影响. 中国农业科学 2010, 43(8):in press.[PAM-2100]

35.           Bally J, Nadai M, Vitel M, Rolland A, Dumain R, Dubald M: Plant Physiological Adaptations to the Massive Foreign Protein Synthesis Occurring in Recombinant Chloroplasts. Plant Physiology 2009, 150:1474-1481.[PAM-2500]

36.           Baumann HA, Morrison L, Stengel DB: Metal accumulation and toxicity measured by PAM—Chlorophyll fluorescence in seven species of marine macroalgae Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2009, 72(4):1063-1075.[PAM-2000]

37.           Buma AGJ, Sjollema SB, van de Poll WH, Klamer HJC, Bakkerb\ JF: Impact of the antifouling agent Irgarol 1051 on marine phytoplankton species Journal of Sea Research 2009, 61(3):133-139.[PAM-2000, WATER-PAM]

38.           Cai W, Ji D, Peng L, Guo J, Ma J, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L: LPA66 Is Required for Editing psbF Chloroplast Transcripts in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 2009, 150:1260-1271.[PAM-2000, PAM-100]

39.           Ding S, Lu Q, Zhang Y, Yang Z, Wen X, Zhang L, Lu C: Enhanced sensitivity to oxidative stress in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased lutathione reductase activity leads to a decrease in ascorbate pool and ascorbate redox state Plant Molecular Biology 2009, 69(5):577-592.[PAM-2000]

40.           Dutta S, Mohanty S, Tripathy BC: Role of Temperature Stress on Chloroplast Biogenesis and Protein Import in Pea. Plant Physiology 2009, 150:1050-1061.[PAM-2100]

41.           Else MA, Janowiak F, Atkinson CJ, Jackson MB: Root signals and stomatal closure in relation to photosynthesis, chlorophyll a fluorescence and adventitious rooting of flooded tomato plants. Annals of Botany 2009, 103:313-323.[PAM-2000]

42.           Fredersdorf J, Müller R, Becker S, Wiencke C, Bischof K: Interactive effects of radiation, temperature and salinity on different life history stages of the Arctic kelp Alaria esculenta (Phaeophyceae) Oecologia 2009, 160(3):483-492.[PAM-2100, WATER-PAM]

43.           Giannelli L, Scoma A, Torzillo G: Interplay between light intensity, chlorophyll concentration and culture mixing on the hydrogen production in sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cultures grown in laboratory photobioreactors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2009:in press.[PAM-2100]

44.           Guo W-D, Guo Y-P, Liu J-R, Mattson N: Midday depression of photosynthesis is related with carboxylation efficiency decrease and D1 degradation in bayberry (Myrica rubra) plants Scientia Horticulturae 2009, 123(2):188-196.[PAM-2000, HCM-1000]

45.           Hauck M, Willenbruch K, Leuschner C: Lichen Substances Prevent Lichens from Nutrient Deficiency Journal of Chemical Ecology 2009, 35(1):71-73.[PAM-2100]

46.           Häusler RE, Geimer S, Kunz HH, Schmitz J, Dörmann P, Bell K, Hetfeld S, Guballa A, Flügge U-I: Chlororespiration and Grana Hyperstacking: How an Arabidopsis Double Mutant Can Survive Despite Defects in Starch Biosynthesis and Daily Carbon Export from Chloroplasts. Plant Physiology 2009, 149:515-533.[PAM-2100]

47.           Hu M-J, Guo Y-P, Shen Y-G, Guo D-P, Li D-Y: Midday depression of photosynthesis and effects of mist spray in citrus. Annals of Applied Biology 2009, 154(1):143-155.[PAM-2000]

48.           Jampeetong A, Brix H: Oxygen stress in Salvinia natans: Interactive effects of oxygen availability and nitrogen source Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009, 66(2):153-159.[PAM-2000]

49.           Jing YX, Li GL, Gu BH, Yang DJ, Xiao L, Liu RX, Peng CL: Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and growth responses of Melaleuca alternifolia seedlings to flooding and subsequent recovery Photosynthetica 2009, 47(4):595-601.[PAM-2100]

50.           Li S, Zhang K, Zhou S, Zhang L, Chen Q: Use of dewatered municipal sludge on Canna growth in pot experiments with a barren clay soil Waster Management 2009, 29(6):1860-1876.[PAM-2100]

51.           Liu W-J, Chen Y-E, Tian W-J, Du J-B, Zhang Z-W, Xu F, Zhang F, Yuan S, Lin H-H: Dephosphorylation of photosystem II proteins and phosphorylation of CP29 in barley photosynthetic membranes as a response to water stress Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2009, 1787(10):1238-1245.[PAM-2100]

52.           Luo M-H, Yuan S, Chen Y-E, Liu W-J, Du J-B, Lei T, Wang M-B, Lin H-H: Effects of salicylic acid on the photosystem 2 of barley seedlings under osmotic stress Biologia Plantarum 2009, 53(4):663-669.[PAM-2100]

53.           Major JE, Mosseler A, Barsi DC, Corriveau-Dupuis B, Campbell M: Impact of three silvicultural treatments on growth, light-energy processing, and related needle-level adaptive traits of Pinus strobus from two regions Forest Ecology and Management 2009, 257(1):168-181.[PAM-2000]

54.           Melgar JC, Guidi L, Remorini D, Agati G, Degl'innocenti E, Castelli S, Baratto MC, Faraloni C, Tattini M: Antioxidant defences and oxidative damage in salt-treated olive plants under contrasting sunlight irradiance. Tree Physiology 2009:in press.[PAM-2000]

55.           Naumann JC, Young DR, Anderson JE: Spatial variations in salinity stress across a coastal landscape using vegetation indices derived from hyperspectral imagery. Plant Ecology 2009, 202(2):285-297.[PAM-2000]

56.           Olivé I, García-Sánchez MP, Brun FG, Vergara JJ, Pérez-Lloréns JL: Interactions of light and organic matter under contrasting resource simulated environments: the importance of clonal traits in the seagrass Zostera noltii Hydrobiologia 2009, 629(1):199-208.[PAM-2000]

57.           Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C: Iron and phosphate uptake in epiphytic and saxicolous lichens differing in their pH requirements Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009:in press.[PAM-2100]

58.           Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C: Iron and phosphate uptake explains the calcifuge–calcicole behavior of the terricolous lichens Cladonia furcata subsp. furcata and C. rangiformis Plant and Soil 2009, 319(1-2):49-56.[PAM-2100]

59.           Peguero-Pina JJ, Gil-Pelegrín E, Morales F: Photosystem II efficiency of the palisade and spongy mesophyll in Quercus coccifera using adaxial/abaxial illumination and excitation light sources with wavelengths varying in penetration into the leaf tissue Photosynthesis Research 2009, 99(1):49-61.[PAM-2000]

60.           Rao B, Liu Y, Wang W, Hu C, Li D, Lan S: Influence of dew on biomass and photosystem II activity of cyanobacterial crusts in the Hopq Desert, northwest China Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2009:in press.[PAM-2100]

61.           Szalai G, Janda T: Effect of Salt Stress on the Salicylic Acid Synthesis in Young Maize (Zea mays L.) Plants. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 2009, 195(3):165-171.[PAM-2000]

62.           Takahashi S, Milward SE, Fan D-Y, Chow WS, Badger MR: How Does Cyclic Electron Flow Alleviate Photoinhibition in Arabidopsis? Plant Physiology 2009, 149:1560-1567.[PAM-2000]

63.           Takahashi S, Whitney SM, Badger MR: Different thermal sensitivity of the repair of photodamaged photosynthetic machinery in cultured Symbiodinium species. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2009, 106:3237-3242.[PAM-2000]

64.           Torzillo G, Scoma A, Faraloni C, Ena A, Johanningmeier U: Increased hydrogen photoproduction by means of a sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii D1 protein mutant. Internal Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2009, 34(10):4529-4536.[PAM-100, PAM-2100]

65.           Wang H, Feng T, Peng X, Yan M, Tan X: Up-regulation of chloroplastic antioxidant capacity is involved in alleviation of nickel toxicity of Zea mays L. by exogenous salicylic acid Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2009, 72(5):1354-1362.[PAM-2000]

66.           Xu H, Zhang J, Zeng J, Jiang L, Liu E, Peng C, He Z, Peng X: Inducible antisense suppression of glycolate oxidase reveals its strong regulation over photosynthesis in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 2009:in press.[PAM-2000]

67.           Xu S-j, Liu C-j, Jiang P-a, Cai W-m, Wang Y: The effects of drying following heat shock exposure of the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis Science of The Total Environment 2009, 407(7):2411-2419.[PAM-2100]

68.           Yang F, Xiao X, Zhang S, Korpelainen H, Li C: Salt stress responses in Populus cathayana Rehder Plant Science 2009, 176(5):669-677.[PAM-2000]

69.           Yang L, Liu N, Ren H, Wang J: Facilitation by two exotic Acacia: Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium as nurse plants in South China. Forest Ecology and Management 2009, 257(8):1786-1793.[PAM-2100]

70.           Yang L, Ren H, Liu N, Wang J: The shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa acts as a nurse plant for seedlings differing in shade tolerance in degraded land of South China. Journal of Vegetation Science 2009, 21(2):262-272.[PAM-2100]

71.           Yao X, Liu Q: The effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B and nitrogen supply on growth, photosynthesis and nutrient status of Abies faxoniana seedlings Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2009, 31(3):523-529.[PAM-2100]

72.           Yin C, Pang X, Chen K: The effects of water, nutrient availability and their interaction on the growth, morphology and physiology of two poplar species Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009:in press.[PAM-2100]

73.           Yin H, Lai T, Cheng X, Jiang X, Liu Q: Warming effect on growth and physiology of seedlings of Betula albo-sinensis and Abies faxoniana under two contrasting light conditions in subalpine coniferous forests of western Sichuan, China Frontiers of Forestry in China 2009, 4(4):432-442.[PAM-2100]

74.           Zarco-Tejada PJ, Berni JAJ, Suárez L, Sepulcre-Cantó G, Morales F, Miller JR: Imaging chlorophyll fluorescence with an airborne narrow-band multispectral camera for vegetation stress detection Remote Sensing of Environment 2009, 113(6):15.[GFS-3000, PAM-2100]

75.           Zhang LL, Wen DZ, Fu SL: Responses of photosynthetic parameters of Mikania micrantha and Chromolaena odorata to contrasting irradiance and soil moisture Biologia Plantarum 2009, 53(3):517-522.[PAM-2100]

76.           Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Luo P, Wu N: Photosynthetic response of Fragaria orientalis in different water contrast clonal integration Ecological Research 2009, 24(3):617-625.[PAM-2100]

77.           Zhang Y-L, Zhang H-Z, Feng G-Y, Tian J-S, Zhang1 W-F: Leaf diaheliotropic movement can improve carbon gain and water use efficiency and not intensify photoinhibition in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Photosynthetica 2009, 47(4):609-615.[PAM-2100]

78.           Zheng Y-L, Feng Y-L, Lei Y-B, Yang C-Y: Different photosynthetic responses to night chilling among twelve populations of Jatropha curcas Photosynthetica 2009, 47(4):559-566.[PAM-2100]

79.           卜令铎, 张仁和, 韩苗苗, 薛吉全, 常宇: 干旱复水激发玉米叶片补偿效应的生理机制. 西北农业学报 2009, 18(2):88-92.[PAM-2100]

80.           高天鹏, 王东, 高海宁, 张华, 张庆, 安黎哲, 王爱勤: 保水剂对旱地马铃薯产量及叶片叶绿素荧光动力学参数的影响. 兰州大学学报 2009, 45(3):67-72.[PAM-2100]

81.           郭卫东, 郑建树, 张真真, 陈文荣, 郭延平: 短暂低温对佛手光合生理的影响. 生态学报 2009, 29(5):2287-2293.[GFS-3000, PAM-2100]

82.           柯裕州, 周金星, 卢楠, 张旭东, 孙启祥: 盐胁迫对桑树幼苗光合生理及叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 林业科学研究 2009, 22(2):200-206.[PAM-2100]

83.           马红群, 洪鸿, 周忆堂, 胡丽涛, 梁丽娇, 吴能表: NaHSO3对UV-B辐射增强下菠菜幼苗光合作用的影响. 园艺学报 2009, 36(3):369-376.[PAM-2100]

84.           倪纪恒, 陈学好, 陈春宏, 徐强: 补充不同光质对温室黄瓜生长发育、光合和前期产量的影响. 中国农业科学 2009, 42(7):2615-2623.[PAM-2000]

85.           宋莉英, 孙兰兰, 张强, 李伟华, 彭长连: 高温对入侵种三裂叶蟛蜞菊叶片PSII功能和光能分配的影响. 植物生理学通讯 2009, 45(5):464-468.[PAM-2100]

86.           吴雪霞, 于力, 朱为民: 外源一氧化氮对NaCl胁迫下番茄幼苗叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 中国生态农业学 2009, 17(4):746-751.[PAM-2100]

87.           夏建荣, 余锦兰: 高浓度CO2对小新月菱形藻胞外碳酸酐酶活性和光合作用的影响. 广州大学学报 2009, 8(3):49-53.[PAM-2100]

88.           钟泰林, 李根有, 石柏林: 遮荫对南五味子光合特性的影响. 中草药 2009, 40(3):466-469.[PAM-2100]

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90.           Biswas DK, Xu H, Li YG, Liu MZ, Chen YH, Sun JZ, Jiang GM: Assessing the genetic relatedness of higher ozone sensitivity of modern wheat to its wild and cultivated progenitors/relatives. J Exp Bot 2008, 59(4):951-963.[PAM-2000]

91.           Borghi M, Tognetti R, Monteforti G, Sebastiani L: Responses of two poplar species (Populus alba and Populus x canadensis) to high copper concentrations. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008, 62(3):290-299.[PAM-2000]

92.           Busch F, Huner NPA, Ensminger I: Increased Air Temperature during Simulated Autumn Conditions Impairs Photosynthetic Electron Transport between Photosystem II and Photosystem I. Plant Physiology 2008, 147(1):402-414.[PAM-2100]

93.           Chen Q, Wang LF, Su N, Qin HD, Niu HB, Wang JL, Zhai HQ, Wan JM: Photosystem 2 photochemistry and pigment composition of a yellow mutant of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) under different irradiances Photosynthetica 2008, 46(1):35-39.[PAM-2000]

94.           Chi W, Ma J, Zhang D, Guo J, Chen F, Lu C, Zhang L: The PPR Protein DG1 is Involved in the Regulation of Early Chloroplast Development and Chloroplast Gene Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 2008, 147:573-584.[PAM-2000]

95.           Duan J, Li J, Guo S, Kang Y: Exogenous spermidine affects polyamine metabolism in salinity-stressed Cucumis sativus roots and enhances short-term salinity tolerance Journal of Plant Physiology 2008, 165(15):1620-1635.[PAM-2100]

96.           Fang J, Chai C, Qian Q, Li C, Tang J, Sun L, Huang Z, Guo X, Sun C, Liu M et al: Mutations of genes in synthesis of the carotenoid precursors of ABA lead to pre-harvest sprouting and photo-oxidation in rice. The Plant Journal 2008, 54(2):177-189.[PAM-2100]

97.           Gong H, Tang Y, Wang J, Wen X, Zhang L, Lu C: Characterization of photosystem II in salt-stressed cyanobacterial Spirulina platensis cells Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2008, 1777:488-495.[PAM-2100]

98.           González-Pérez S, Quijano C, Romero N, Melø TB, Radi R, Arellano JB: Peroxynitrite inhibits electron transport on the acceptor side of higher plant photosystem II Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2008, 473(1):25-33.[PAM-2000]

99.           Hauck M, Jürgens S-R: Usnic acid controls the acidity tolerance of lichens Environmental Pollution 2008, 156(1):115-122.[PAM-2100]

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102.         Kotabová E, Kaňa R, Kyseláková H, Lípová L, Novák O, Ilík P: A pronounced light-induced zeaxanthin formation accompanied by an unusually slight increase in non-photochemical quenching: A study with barley leaves treated with methyl viologen at moderate light Journal of Plant Physiology 2008, 165(15):1563-1571.[PAM-2000]

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108.         Schippers JHM, Nunes-Nesi A, Apetrei R, Hille J, Fernie AR, Dijkwel PP: The Arabidopsis onset of leaf death5 Mutation of Quinolinate Synthase Affects Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Biosynthesis and Causes Early Ageing. The Plant Cell 2008, 20:2909-2925.[PAM-2000]

109.         Suárez L, Zarco-Tejada PJ, Sepulcre-Cantó G, Pérez-Priego O, Miller JR, Jiménez-Muñoz JC, Sobrino J: Assessing canopy PRI for water stress detection with diurnal airborne imagery Remote Sensing of Environment 2008, 112(2):560-575.[PAM-2100]

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111.         Tattini M, Traversi ML: On the mechanism of salt tolerance in olive (Olea europaea L.) under low- or high-Ca2+ supply Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008, 65(1):72-81.[PAM-2000]

112.         Tronconi MA, Fahnenstich H, Gerrard Weehler MC, Andreo CS, Flugge U-I, Drincovich MF, Maurino VG: Arabidopsis NAD-Malic Enzyme Functions As a Homodimer and Heterodimer and Has a Major Impact on Nocturnal Metabolism. Plant Physiology 2008, 146(4):1540-1552.[PAM-2000]

113.         Wang N, Yu F-H, Li P-X, He W-M, Liu F-H, Liu J-M, Dong M: Clonal Integration Affects Growth, Photosynthetic Efficiency and Biomass Allocation, but not the Competitive Ability, of the Alien Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides under Severe Stress. Annals of Botany 2008, 101(5):671-678.[PAM-2100]

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