PAM-2500——PAM-2100的升级版野外光合作用研究的首选仪器Schreiber教授因发明PAM系列调制叶绿素荧光仪而获得首届国际光合作用协会(ISPR)创新奖1983年,WALZ公司首席科学家、德国乌兹堡大学的Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世界第一台调制荧光仪——PAM-101/102/103,使在自然光下测量叶绿素荧光成为现实,解决了科学界近50年的技术瓶颈。PAM-101/102/103迅速在植物生理、生态、农学、林学、水生生物学等领域得到广泛应用,出版了大量高水平研究文献。但该仪器比较笨重,不易带到野外。 1992年,WALZ公司首席科学家、调制荧光仪发明人、德国乌兹堡大学的Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世界第一台便携式调制荧光仪——PAM-2000,并且在植物生理生态学等科研领域得到广泛应用,此后十几年中成为全球最畅销的调制荧光仪。 2003年,WALZ公司在保留PAM-2000所有功能和优点的基础上,结合最新技术,将PAM-2000升级到了PAM-2100。 2008年,WALZ公司在保留PAM-2100所有功能和优点的基础上,结合最新的超便携个人电脑(UMPC)技术,将PAM-2100升级到了完全基于UMPC电脑Windows系统的PAM-2500。 系统描述 PAM-2500采用了独特的调制技术和饱和脉冲技术,从而可以通过选择性的原位测量叶绿素荧光来检测植物光合作用的变化。PAM-2500的调制测量光足够低,可以只激发色素的本底荧光而不引起任何的光合作用,从而可以真实的记录基础荧光Fo。PAM-2500具有很强的灵敏度和选择性,使其即使在很强的、未经滤光片处理的环境下(如全日照甚至是10000 μmol m-2 s-1的饱和光强下)也可测定荧光产量而不受到干扰。因此,PAM-2500不但适合在实验室人工控制的环境下测量,还可以在自然环境中甚至是强烈的全光照条件下开展野外科学研究。 PAM-2500不仅可以连接电脑通过Windows XP SP2系统或Vista系统操作,还可连接UMPC通过Windows XP Tablet PC Edition来操作。UMPC带60G硬盘,1G内存,功能堪比笔记本电脑。 PAM-2500除了标准的叶绿素荧光测量所需配置外,还额外增加了单周转饱和闪光(ST)和多周转饱和闪光(MT),为将来升级P700测量功能埋下了伏笔。
特点 * 声誉卓著的PAM-2100的升级版 * 精巧、准确、迅速、操作简便的高级光合作用检测设备 * 利用强大的UMPC电脑进行操作,完全基于Windows操作系统,界面友好 * 利用超强发光二极管(LED)提供光化光和饱和脉冲,不再使用散热量大的卤素灯 * 强大的数据收集、分析和存贮功能 * 内置锂电池可满足长时间野外工作需要,并可连接外置12 V电池 * 多种叶夹可供选择,专利设计的光适应叶夹2030-B可同时记录PAR和温度变化 * 60 G硬盘,无限量存储 功能 * 可测荧光诱导曲线的快速上升动力学O-I-D-P相和O-J-I-P相 * 可测荧光诱导曲线的慢速下降动力学并进行淬灭分析(Fo、Fm、F、Fo’、Fm’、Fv/Fm、Y(II)= ΔF/Fm’、qL、qP、qN、NPQ、Y(NPQ)、Y(NO)、ETR、C/Fo、PAR和叶温等) * 可测光响应曲线和快速光曲线(RLC) * 可在线检测植物、微藻、地衣、苔藓等的光合作用变化 * 操作功能强大,特别适合野外操作,野外操作也使用Windows系统 应用领域 仪器设计特别适合野外使用,可用于研究光合作用机理、各种环境因子(光、温、营养等)对植物生理状态的影响、植物抗逆性(干旱、冷、热、涝、UV、病毒、污染、重金属等)、植物的长期生态学变化等。在植物生理学、植物生态学、植物病理学、农学、林学、园艺学、水生生物学、环境科学、毒理学、微藻生物技术、极地植物光合作用研究等领域有着广泛应用。 主要技术参数* 测量光:红色LED,630 cnm,FWHM 20 nm;调制频率测量Fo时5-5000 Hz可选,打开光化光时1-100 kHz可选,测量荧光诱导动力学的快相时200 kHz;20级可调。 * 光化光源: 蓝色光化光:LED,455 nm,FWHM 20 nm,光强范围0-800 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR,20级可调。 红色光化光:LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,光强范围0-5000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR,20级可调。 * 饱和脉冲:红色LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,最大PAR 25 000 μmol m-2 s-1,持续时间0.1-0.8 s可调,光强20级可调。 * 远红光:LED,750 nm,FWHM 25 nm,20级可调。 * 单周转饱和闪光:红色LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,最大PAR 125 000 μmol m-2 s-1,持续时间5-50 s可调。 * 多周转饱和闪光:红色LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,最大PAR 25 000 μmol m-2 s-1,持续时间1-300 ms可调,光强20级可调。 * 信号检测:PIN-光电二极管,带长通滤光片(T(50%)=715 nm),带选择性锁相放大器。 * 测量参数:Fo、Fm、F、Fo’、Fm’、Fv/Fm、Y(II)= ΔF/Fm’、qL、qP、qN、NPQ、Y(NPQ)、Y(NO)、ETR、C/Fo、PAR和叶温等。 * 耗电:基础操作1.6 W,内置光源(测量光、红色和蓝色光化光、远红光)为最大输出时8 W,饱和脉冲最大输出时37 W。 * 充电时间:关机状态下约需6 h。 * 微型光量子传感器:测量光合有效辐射(PAR),测量范围0~20000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR * 热电耦(温度传感器):Ni-CrNi,直径0.1 mm,测量范围20~+60℃ * 数据通讯:USB;蓝牙v2.0+EDR Class 2 * 操作系统: Windows XP Tablet PC Edition,Windows XP SP2或Vista * 超移动个人电脑(UMPC)参数 型号:三星Q1 Ultra触摸屏UMPC 处理器:Intel A110 800MHz ULV 缓存:512 Kb 内存:1G的DDR II内存 硬盘:60 G,4200 rpm 显示器:7英寸WSVGA触摸屏显示器,1024 x 600像素 图形卡:Intel GMA950,最大128 M共享内存 通讯方式:USB 2.0(两个);有线LAN;无线LAN(802.11b/g);蓝牙2.0+EDR 读卡插槽:SD/MMC 电池:两块锂电池,一块为7.4 V/4 Ah,可工作3.5 h,另一块为7.4 V/7.8 Ah,可工作6 h 供电:100-240 V AC,50-60 Hz 部分文献(PAM-2000/PAM-2100/PAM-2500) 1. Jia RL, Li XR, Liu LC, Gao YH. Differential wind tolerance of soil crust mosses explains their micro-distribution in nature. Soil Biology and Biochemistry,2012, 45:31-39. [PAM-2000] 2. Rao B, Liu Y, Lan S, Wu P, Wang W, Li D. Effects of sand burial stress on the early developments of cyanobacterial crusts in the field European Journal of Soil Biology,2012, 48:48-55. [PAM-2100] 3. Zuo Z-J, Zhu Y-R, Bai Y-L, Wang Y. Volatile communication between Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells under salt stress. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology,2012, 40:19-24. [PAM-2100] 4. Albert KR, Mikkelsen TN, Ro-Poulsen H, Arndal MF, Michelsen A. Ambient UV-B radiation reduces PSII performance and net photosynthesis in high Arctic Salix arctica. . Environmental and Experimental Botany,2011, 73:10-18. [PAM-2100] 5. Bajpai R, Pandey AK, Deeba F, Upreti DK, Nayaka S, Pandey V. Physiological effects of arsenate on transplant thalli of the lichen Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2011:in press. [PAM-2000] 6. Batista-Santos P, Lidon FC, Fortunato A, Leitão AE, Lopes E, Partelli F, Ribeiro AI, Ramalho JC. The impact of cold on photosynthesis in genotypes of Coffea spp.—Photosystem sensitivity, photoprotective mechanisms and gene expression Journal of Plant Physiology,2011, 168(8):792-806. [PAM-2000] 7. Chen J, Wu F-H, Wang W-H, Zheng C-J, Lin G-H, Dong X-J, He J-X, Pei Z-M, Zheng H-L. Hydrogen sulphide enhances photosynthesis through promoting chloroplast biogenesis, photosynthetic enzyme expression, and thiol redox modification in Spinacia oleracea seedlings Journal of Experimental Botany,2011, 62(13):4481-4493. [PAM-2100] 8. Chen L, Han Y, Jiang H, Korpelainen H, Li C. Nitrogen nutrient status induces sexual differences in responses to cadmium in Populus yunnanensis. Journal of Experimental Botany,2011, 62(14):5037-5050. [PAM-2100] 9. Chen X, Han H, Jiang P, Nie L, Bao H, Fan P, Lv S, Feng J, Li Y. Transformation of β-Lycopene Cyclase Genes from Salicornia europaea and Arabidopsis Conferred Salt Tolerance in Arabidopsis and Tobacco Plant & Cell Physiology,2011, 52(5):909-921. [PAM-2000] 10. Connan S, Stengel DB. Impacts of ambient salinity and copper on brown algae:Interactive effects on photosynthesis, growth, and copper accumulation Aquatic Toxicology,2011, 104(1-2):94-107. [PAM-2000] 11. Cruces E, Huovinen P, Gómez I. Phlorotannin and antioxidant responses upon short-term exposure to UV radiation and elevated temperature in three South Pacific kelps. Photochemistry and Photobiology,2011:in press. [PAM-2000] 12. Faraloni C, Ena A, Pintucci C, Torzillo G. Enhanced hydrogen production by means of sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cultures grown in pretreated olive mill wastewater Internal Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2011, 36(10):5920-5931. [PAM-2100] 13. Fréchette E, Ensminger I, Bergeron Y, Gessler A, Berninger F. Will changes in root-zone temperature in boreal spring affect recovery of photosynthesis in Picea mariana and Populus tremuloides in a future climate? . Tree Physiology,2011, 31(11):1204-1216. [PAM-2100] 14. Garcia-Molina A, Andrés-Colás N, Perea-García A, del Valle-Tascón S, Peñarrubia L, Puig S. The intracellular Arabidopsis COPT5 transport protein is required for photosynthetic electron transport under severe copper deficiency. The Plant Journal,2011, 65(6):848-860. [PAM-2000] 15. Haimovich-Dayan M, Kahlon S, Hihara Y, Hagemann M, Ogawa T, Ohad I, Lieman-Hurwitz J, Kaplan1 A. Cross-talk between photomixotrophic growth and CO2-concentrating mechanism in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. Environmental Microbiology,2011, 13(7):1767-1777. [PAM-2500, PAM-100] 16. He Y, He C, Li L, Liu Z, Yang A, Zhang J. Heterologous expression of ApGSMT2 and ApDMT2 genes from Aphanothece halophytica enhanced drought tolerance in transgenic tobacco Molecular Biology Reports,2011, 38(1):657-666. [PAM-2000] 17. Holzinger A, Di Piazza L, Lütz C, Roleda MY. Sporogenic and vegetative tissues of Saccharina latissima (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) exhibit distinctive sensitivity to experimentally enhanced ultraviolet radiation : photosynthetically active radiation ratio. Phycological Research,2011, 59(4):221-235. [PAM-2100] 18. Izaguirre-Mayoral ML, Flores S, Pieters A, Olivares E, Cuenca G. Rhizophagus manihotis promotes the growth of rhizobia-nodulated Vigna luteola L in phosphorus deficient acid montane soils devoid of ground cover vegetation. Symbiosis,2011:in press DOI: 10.1007/s13199-13011-10145-zOnline First™. [PAM-2000] 19. Jentsch A, Kreyling J, Elmer M, Gellesch E, Glaser B, Grant K, Hein R, Lara M, Mirzae H, Nadler SE et al. Climate extremes initiate ecosystem-regulating functions while maintaining productivity. Journal of Ecology,2011, 99(3):689-702. [MINI-PAM, PAM-2000] 20. Kinoshita H, Nagasaki J, Yoshikawa N, Yamamoto A, Takito S, Kawasaki M, Sugiyama T, Miyake H, Weber APM, Taniguchi M. The chloroplastic 2-oxoglutarate/malate transporter has dual function as the malate valve and in carbon/nitrogen metabolism. The Plant Journal,2011, 65(1):15-26. [IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2100] 21. Kósa E, Szegő D, Horváth E, Rácz I, Szigeti Z, Lásztity D, Páldi E. Effect of S-methylmethionine on the photosynthesis in maize at different chilling temperatures Central European Journal of Biology,2011, 6(1):75-83. [PAM-2000] 22. Leelavathi S, Bhardwaj A, Kumar S, Dass A, Pathak R, Pandey SS, Tripathy BC, Padmalatha KV, Dhandapani G, Kanakachari M et al. Genome-wide transcriptome and proteome analyses of tobacco psaA and psbA deletion mutants. Plant Molecular Biology,2011, 76:407-423. [PAM-2100] 23. Li YH, Liu YJ, Xu XL, Jin M, An LZ, Zhang H. Effect of 24-epibrassinolide on drought stress-induced changes in Chorispora bungeana Biologia Plantarum,2011:in press. [PAM-2100] 24. Ma Q, Yue LJ, Zhang JL, Wu GQ, Bao AK, S.M. W. Sodium chloride improves photosynthesis and water status in the succulent xerophyte Zygophyllum xanthoxylum. Tree Physiology,2011:in press. [PAM-2100] 25. Naidoo G, Hiralal O, Naidoo Y. Hypersalinity effects on leaf ultrastructure and physiology in the mangrove Avicennia marina Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants,2011, 206(9):814-820. [PAM-2100] 26. Nakashima T, Araki T, Ueno O. Photoprotective function of betacyanin in leaves of Amaranthus cruentus L. under water stress. Photosynthetica,2011:in press DOI: 10.1007/s11099-11011-10062-11097. [PAM-2000] 27. Pang C-H, Li K, Wang B. Overexpression of SsCHLAPXs confers protection against oxidative stress induced by high light in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Physiologia Plantarum,2011, 143(4):355-366. [PAM-2000] 28. Piller LE, Besagni C, Ksas B, Rumeau D, Bréhélin C, Glauser G, Kessler F, Havaux M. Chloroplast lipid droplet type II NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase is essential for prenylquinone metabolism and vitamin K1 accumulation Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,2011, 108(34):14354-14359. [PAM-100, PAM-2000] 29. Ranjbarfordoei A, Samson R, van Damme P. Photosynthesis performance in sweet almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill) D. Webb] exposed to supplemental UV-B radiation Photosynthetica,2011, 49(1):107-111. [PAM-2000] 30. Scoma A, Giannelli L, Faraloni C, Torzillo G. Outdoor H2 production in a 50-L tubular photobioreactor by means of a sulfur-deprived culture of the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Journal of Bacteriology,2011:in press. [PAM-2100] 31. Scoma A, Krawietz D, Faraloni C, Giannelli L, Happe T, Torzillo G. Sustained H2 production in a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii D1 protein mutant Journal of Bacteriology,2011:in press. [PAM-2100] 32. Siahpoosh MR, Sanchez DH, Schlereth A, Scofield GN, Furbank RT, van Dongen JT, Kopka J. Modification of OsSUT1 gene expression modulates the salt response of rice Oryza sativa cv. Taipei 309 Plant Science,2011, 182:101-111. [PAM-2000] 33. Su X, Chu Y, Li H, Hou Y, Zhang B, Huang Q, Hu Z, Huang R, Tian Y. Expression of Multiple Resistance Genes Enhances Tolerance to Environmental Stressors in Transgenic Poplar (Populus × euramericana ‘Guariento’). PLoS ONE,2011, 6(9):e24614. doi:24610.21371/journal.pone.0024614. [PAM-2100] 34. Takabayashi A, Kurihara K, Kuwano M, Kasahara Y, Tanaka R, Tanaka A. The Oligomeric States of the Photosystems and the Light-harvesting Complexes in the Chlorophyll b-less Mutant. Plant & Cell Physiology,2011:in press. [PAM-2000] 35. Urban O, Klem K, Ač A, Havránková K, Holišová P, Navrátil M, Zitová M, Kozlová K, Pokorný R, Šprtová M et al. Impact of clear and cloudy sky conditions on the vertical distribution of photosynthetic CO2 uptake within a spruce canopy. Functional Ecology,2011:in press. [PAM-2000] 36. Wang F, Yang C, Wang L, Zhong N, Wu X, Han L, Xia G. Heterologous expression of a chloroplast outer envelope protein from Suaeda salsa confers oxidative stress tolerance and induces chloroplast aggregation in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Plant Cell and Environment,2011:in press. [PAM-2000] 37. Wang X, Dong L-L, Zhang C-X, Zhu K-Z, Zhao J-Q, Zhao K-H, Zhou M. Sll1466, a glycosyl transferase homolog involved in global cellular regulation and high-light tolerance of Synechocystis PCC6803 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2011, 408(4):674-679. [PAM-2500] 38. Wen K, Liang C, Wang L, Hu G, Zhou Q. Combined effects of lanthanumion and acid rain on growth, photosynthesis and chloroplast ultrastructure in soybean seedlings Chemosphere,2011, 84(5):601-608. [PAM-2000] 39. Wu X, Bao W. Leaf Growth, Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Response to Different Water Deficits in Wheat Cultivars. Plant Production Science,2011, 14(3):254-259. [PAM-2100] 40. Yang F, Wang Y, Wang J, Deng W, Liao L, Li M. Different eco-physiological responses between male and female Populus deltoides clones to waterlogging stress. Forest Ecology and Management,2011, 262(11):1963-1971. [PAM-2100] 41. Zarco-Tejada PJ, González-Dugo V, Berni JAJ. Fluorescence, temperature and narrow-band indices acquired from a UAV platform for water stress detection using a micro-hyperspectral imager and a thermal camera. Remote Sensing and Environment,2011:in press doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.1010.1007 [PAM-2100] 42. Zhang D, Zhou G, Liu B, Kong Y, Chen N, Qiu Q, Yin H, An J, Zhang F, Chen F. HCF243 Encodes a Chloroplast-localized Protein Involved in the D1 Protein Stability of the Arabidopsis PSII Complex. Plant Physiology,2011, 157(2):608-619. [PAM-2100] 43. Zhang H, Hu H, Zhang X, Wang K, Song T, Zeng F. Detecting Suaeda salsa L. chlorophyll fluorescence response to salinity stress by using hyperspectral reflectance Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2011:in press. [PAM-2100] 44. 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