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2005年,WALZ又推出了M系列IMAGING-PAM,一个主机可以连接不同的探头(MICROSCOPY-,MICRO-,MINI-和MAXI-探头),分别在130×150 um、3.5×4.5 mm、24×32 mm或10×13 cm的面积上测量荧光成像。现在,只需一个主机连接不同的探头,即可满足从单细胞到全叶片,从分子生物学到生态学研究的全面需要。














成像面积10×13 cm

成像面积24×32 mm

成像面积3.5×4.5 mm

成像面积130×150 um






功 能
* 一个主机连接不同的探头可满足从单细胞到全叶片、从分子生物学到生态学的不同需求
* 全叶片光合作用分析(荧光成像),可测荧光诱导曲线并进行淬灭分析
* 可测快速光响应曲线(120 s内完成,比光合放氧和气体交换等技术快得多)
* 叶片光合作用的横向异质性检测
* 完全相同的条件下同时测量多个样品(植物、地衣、苔藓、微藻等)
* 遗传育种、突变株筛选的强大工具
* 不同的测量面积,不同的分辨率
* 可利用多孔板(如96孔板)做多个微藻样品的同时成像
* 胁迫损伤的早期检测
* 不连接显微镜即可测量绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)荧光
* 可测量叶片吸光系数应用范围

* 环境科学                            * 水生生物学
* 海洋与湖沼学                   * 生态毒理学
* 园艺学                               * 农业科学
* 林学 * 环境科学            * 水生生物学
* 海洋与湖沼学                  * 生态毒理学
* 园艺学                              * 农业科学
* 林学 

* 以上所有参数均可成像
* 吸光系数Abs和新参数qL、Y(NPQ)和Y(NO)的成像是IMAGING-PAM独有的
* 生态毒理学研究中,选一个参考点,可以直接求出其它处理(如农药)的受抑制程度Inh.



MAXI-版大探头,成像面积10×13 cm
调制荧光成像系统的MAXI-探头利用300 W的LED阵列,可以在10×13 cm的面积上提供均为的调制测量光、光化光和饱和脉冲光。该探头的支架上配备特制护眼遮光罩,可以在保护眼睛的同时观测到红色荧光的变化。

WALZ提供两种数码相机CCD供选择。用户若需要高清晰度,推荐选择IMAG-MAX/K[2/3” chip, 1392×1040象素, 4象素组合(binning)技术]。标准应用可选择IMAG-MAX/K2(1/2”, 640×480象素),可与IMAG-MAX/K2Z物镜(F1.0/f=8-48mm)结合使用。



















MINI-版小探头,成像面积24×32 mm

调制荧光成像系统的MINI-探头采用强大的Luxeon LED阵列,包括4组(每组3个)LED,均配有长波截止滤光片。配备8个红光(650 nm)和8个近红外(780 nm)LED,用于测量叶片吸光系数的成像。

IMAG-MIN/B:蓝光,450 nm,测量叶片等;
IMAG-MIN/R:红光,620 nm,测量蓝藻
IMAG-MIN/GFP:蓝光,480 nm,测量绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)











Micro-版微探头,成像面积3.5×4.5 mm

调制荧光成像系统的MICRO-探头是一个极便携的探头,采用整合式Cosmicar-Pentax CCTV物镜(F1.4/f=16mm),直接安装在数码CCD(1/3” chip, 640×480像素)上。

MICRO-探头只配备一个Luxeon LED(蓝光,450 nm)和一个特制双色分光镜,类似于落射荧光显微镜。

尽管成像面积只有3.5×4.5 mm,但45倍的放大率却允许对叶片荧光成像的异质性分析达到支脉(minor veins)级。同时还可提供一个特制版本用于测量GFP的成像。









Microscopy-版显微探头,成像面积130×150 um



探头标准配置是一个超强Luxeon LED(450-480 nm),用于提供测量光、光化光和饱和脉冲。目前已可提供RGB探头(红-绿-蓝-白LED光源),它采用了PHYTO-PAM技术,可以显微镜下自动对蓝藻、绿藻、硅/甲藻、红藻进行分类并测量光合作用。






1.         Ahammed G, Yuan H-L, Ogweno J, Zhou Y-H, Xia X-J, Mao W-H, Shi K, Yu J-Q. Brassinosteroid alleviates phenanthrene and pyrene phytotoxicity by increasing detoxification activity and photosynthesis in tomato. Chemosphere,2011:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
2.         Ainsworth TD, Wasmund K, Ukani L, Seneca F, Yellowlees D, Miller D, Leggat W. Defining the tipping point. A complex cellular life/death balance in corals in response to stress. Scientific Reports,2011, 1(doi:10.1038/srep00160). [IMAGING-PAM]
3.         Behrendt L, Larkum AWD, Trampe E, Norman A, Sørensen SJ, Kühl M. Microbial diversity of biofilm communities in microniches associated with the didemnid ascidian Lissoclinum patella. The ISME Journal,2011:in press    doi:10.1038/ismej.2011.1181. [IMAGING-PAM]
4.         Brossa R, López-Carbonell M, Jubany-Marí T, Alegre L. Interplay Between Abscisic Acid and Jasmonic Acid and its Role in Water-oxidative Stress in Wild-type, ABA-deficient, JA-deficient, and Ascorbate-deficient Arabidopsis Plants Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,2011, 30(3):322-333. [IMAGING-PAM]
5.         Cui J-X, Zhou Y-H, Ding J-G, Xia X-J, Shi K, Chen S-C, Asami T, Chen Z, Yu J-Q. Role of nitric oxide in hydrogen peroxide-dependent induction of abiotic stress tolerance by brassinosteroids in cucumber. Plant Cell and Environment,2011, 34(2):347-358. [IMAGING-PAM]
6.         Dai H, Shan W, Zhao J, Zhang G, Li C, Wu F. Difference in response to aluminum stress among Tibetan wild barley genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science,2011:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
7.        Gao S, Shen S, Wang G, Niu J, Lin A, Pan G. PSI-driven Cyclic Electron Flow Allows Intertidal Macro-algae Ulva sp. (Chlorophyta) To Survive In Desiccated Conditions Plant & Cell Physiology,2011, 52(5):885-893. [DUAL-PAM-100, IMAGING-PAM]
8.         Guidi L, DeglInnocenti E, Carmassi G, Massaa D, Pardossi A. Effects of boron on leaf chlorophyll fluorescence of greenhouse tomato grown with saline water. Environmental and Experimental Botany,2011, 73:57-63. [IMAGING-PAM]
9.         He J, Tan BHG, Qin L. Source-to-sink relationship between green leaves and green pseudobulbs of C3 orchid in regulation of photosynthesis Photosynthetica,2011, 49(2):209-218. [IMAGING-PAM]
10.       Jiao B-B, Wang J-J, Zhu X-D, Zeng L-J, Li Q, He Z-H. A Novel Protein RLS1 with NB–ARM Domains Is Involved in Chloroplast Degradation during Leaf Senescence in Rice. Molecular Plant,2011:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
11.       Jin ZL, Tian T, Naeem MS, Jilani G, Zhang F, Zhou WJ. Chlorophyll fluorescence responses to application of new herbicide ZJ0273 in winter oilseed rape species. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology,2011, 13:43-50. [IMAGING-PAM]
12.       Johansson O, Olofsson J, Giesler R, Palmqvist K. Lichen responses to nitrogen and phosphorus additions can be explained by the different symbiont responses. New Phytologist,2011, 191(3):795-805. [IMAGING-PAM]
13.       Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U. AtHsp70-15 deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV. The Plant Journal,2011, 66(6):983-995. [MINI-IMAGING-PAM, GFS-3000, GFS-IMAG]
14.       Kinoshita H, Nagasaki J, Yoshikawa N, Yamamoto A, Takito S, Kawasaki M, Sugiyama T, Miyake H, Weber APM, Taniguchi M. The chloroplastic 2-oxoglutarate/malate transporter has dual function as the malate valve and in carbon/nitrogen metabolism. The Plant Journal,2011, 65(1):15-26. [IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2100]
15.       Kumar KS, Han T. Toxicity of single and combined herbicides on PSII maximum efficiency of an aquatic higher plant, Lemna sp. . Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences,2011, 3(2):97-105. [IMAGING-PAM]
16.       La Rocca N, Rascio N, Pupillo P. Variegation in Arum italicum leaves. A structural–functional study. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2011, 49(12):1392-1398. [IMAGING-PAM]
17.       Larkum AWD, Salih A, Kühl M. Rapid Mass Movement of Chloroplasts during Segment Formation of the Calcifying Siphonalean Green Alga, Halimeda macroloba      PLoS ONE,2011, 6(7): e20841. doi:20810.21371/journal.pone.0020841. [IMAGING-PAM]
18.       Leggat W, Seneca F, Wasmund K, Ukani L, Yellowlees D, Ainsworth TD. Differential Responses of the Coral Host and Their Algal Symbiont to Thermal Stress. PLoS ONE,2011, 6(10):e26687. doi:26610.21371/journal.pone.0026687. [IMAGING-PAM]
19.       Li WD, Hu X, Liu JK, Jiang GM, Li O, Xing D. Chromosome doubling can increase heat tolerance in Lonicera japonica as indicated by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging Biologia Plantarum,2011, 55(2):279-284. [IMAGING-PAM]
20.       Lu Y, Hall DA, Last RL. A Small Zinc Finger Thylakoid Protein Plays a Role in Maintenance of Photosystem II in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell,2011, 23(5):1861-1875. [IMAGING-PAM]
21.       Lu Y, Savage LJ, Last RL. Chloroplast Phenomics: Systematic Phenotypic Screening of Chloroplast Protein Mutants in Arabidopsis Chloroplast Research in Arabidopsis Methods in Molecular Biology,2011, 775(2):161-185. [IMAGING-PAM]
22.       Lytovchenko A, Eickmeier I, Pons C, Osorio S, Szecowka M, Lehmberg K, Arrivault S, Tohge T, Pineda B, Anton MT et al. Tomato fruit photosynthesis is seemingly unimportant in primary metabolism and ripening but plays a considerable role in seed development. Plant Physiology,2011:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
23.       Magnin-Robert M, Letousey P, Spagnolo A, Rabenoelina F, Jacquens L, Mercier L, Clément C, Fontaine F. Leaf stripe form of esca induces alteration of photosynthesis and defence reactions in presymptomatic leaves. Functional Plant Biology,2011, 38(11):856-866. [IMAGING-PAM]
24.       Majer P, Hideg É. Developmental stage is an important factor that determines the antioxidant responses of young and old grapevine leaves under UV irradiation in a green-house. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2011, 50:15-23. [IMAGING-PAM]
25.       Martínez-Peñalver A, Reigosa MJ, Sánchez-Moreiras AM. Imaging chlorophyll a fluorescence reveals specific spatial distributions under different stress conditions Flora,2011, 206(9):836-844. [IMAGING-PAM]
26.       Mishev K, Ananiev ED, Humbeck K. Organ-specific effects of dark treatment on photosynthesis and the expression of photosynthesis-related genes Biologia Plantarum,2011, 55(2):269-278. [IMAGING-PAM]
27.       Molitor A, Zajic D, Voll LM, Pons-Kühnemann J, Samans B, Kogel K-H, Waller F. Barley Leaf Transcriptome and Metabolite Analysis Reveals New Aspects of Compatibility and Piriformospora indica–Mediated Systemic Induced Resistance to Powdery Mildew. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,2011, 24(12):1427-1439. [GFS-3000, MINI-IMAGING-PAM, GFS-IMAG]
28.       Muller M, Munne-Bosch S. Rapid and sensitive hormonal profiling of complex plant samples by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Plant Methods,2011, 7:37        doi:10.1186/1746-4811-1187-1137. [IMAGING-PAM]
29.       Munch S, Ludwig N, Floss DS, Sugui JA, Koszucka AM, Voll LM, Sonnewald U, Deising HB. Identification of virulence genes in the corn pathogen Colletotrichum graminicola by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Molecular Plant Pathology,2011, 12(1):43-55. [GFS-3000, MINI-IMAGING-PAM, GFS-IMAG]
30.       Niewiadomska E, Bilger W, Gruca M, Mulisch M, Miszalski Z, Krupinska K. CAM-related changes in chloroplastic metabolism of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. . Planta,2011, 233(2):275-285. [DUAL-PAM-100, IMAGING-PAM]
31.       Osório ML, Osório J, Vieira AC, Gonçalves S, Romano A. Influence of enhanced temperature on photosynthesis, photooxidative damage, and antioxidant strategies in Ceratonia siliqua L. seedlings subjected to water deficit and rewatering Photosynthetica,2011, 49(1):3-12. [IMAGING-PAM]
32.       Park J-S, Brown MT, Han T. Phenol toxicity to the aquatic macrophyte Lemna paucicostata. Aquatic Toxicology,2011:in press. [DUAL-PAM-100, IMAGING-PAM]
33.       Petroutsos D, Busch A, Janßen I, Trompelt K, Bergner SV, Weinl S, Holtkamp M, Karst U, Kudla J, Hippler M. The Chloroplast Calcium Sensor CAS Is Required for Photoacclimation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Plant Cell,2011, 23(8):2950-2963. [IMAGING-PAM]
34.       Poage M, Martret BL, Jansen MAK, Nugent GD, Dix PJ. Modification of reactive oxygen species scavenging capacity of chloroplasts through plastid transformation Plant Molecular Biology,2011, 76(3-5):371-384. [IMAGING-PAM]
35.       Qi Y, Armbruster U, Schmitz-Linneweber C, Delannoy E, de Longevialle AF, Rühle T, Small I, Jahns P, Leister D. Arabidopsis CSP41 proteins form multimeric complexes that bind and stabilize distinct plastid transcripts. Journal of Experimental Botany,2011:in press [IMAGING-PAM]
36.       Qiao J, Ma C, Wimmelbacher M, Börnke F, Luo M. Two Novel Proteins, MRL7 and Its Paralog MRL7-L, Have Essential but Functionally Distinct Roles in Chloroplast Development and Are Involved in Plastid Gene Expression Regulation in Arabidopsis Plant & Cell Physiology,2011, 52(6):1017-1030. [IMAGING-PAM]
37.       Rao KP, Vani G, Kumar K, Wankhede DP, Mishra M, Gupta M, Sinh AK. Arsenic stress activates MAP kinase in rice roots and leaves Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics,2011, 506(1):73-82. [IMAGING-PAM]
38.       Rascher U, Blossfeld S, Fiorani F, Jahnke S, Jansen M, Kuhn AJ, Matsubara S, Märtin LLA, Merchant A, Metzner R et al. Non-invasive approaches for phenotyping of enhanced performance traits in bean. Functional Plant Biology,2011, 38:968-983. [IMAGING-PAM]
39.       Rotter S, Sans-Piché F, Streck G, Altenburger R, Schmitt-Jansen M. Active bio-monitoring of contamination in aquatic systems–An in situ translocation experiment applying the PICT concept Aquatic Toxicology,2011, 101(1):228-236. [IMAGING-PAM]
40.       Ruan S-L, Ma H-S, Wang S-H, Fu Y-P, Xin Y, Liu W-Z, Wang F, Tong J-X, Wang S-Z, Chen H-Z. Proteomic identification of OsCYP2, a rice cyclophilin that confers salt tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings when overexpressed. BMC Plant Biology,2011, 11:34. [IMAGING-PAM]
41.       Ryan KG, Tay ML, Martin A, McMinn A, Davy SK. Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging analysis of the responses of Antarctic bottom-ice algae to light and salinity during melting Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,2011, 399(2):156-161. [IMAGING-PAM]
42.       Sánchez-Moreiras AM, Martínez-Peñalver A, Reigosa MJ. Early senescence induced by 2-3H-benzoxazolinone (BOA) in Arabidopsis thaliana Journal of Plant Physiology,2011, 168(9):863-870. [IMAGING-PAM]
43.       Schmidt C, Heinz P, Kucera M, Uthicke S. Temperature-induced stress leads to bleaching in larger benthic foraminifera hosting endosymbiotic diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography,2011, 56(5):1587-1602. [MINI-PAM, IMAGING-PAM]
44.       Trampe E, Kolbowski J, Schreiber U, Kuhl M. Rapid assessment of different oxygenic phototrophs and single-cell photosynthesis with multicolour variable chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. Marine Biology,2011, 158:1667-1675. [MICROSCOPY-IMAGING-PAM]
45.       Tschiersch H, Borisjuk L, Rutten T, Rolletschek H. Gradients of seed photosynthesis and its role for oxygen balancing. Biosystems,2011, 103(2):302-308. [IMAGING-PAM]
46.       Wang C, Fan X, Wang G, Niu J, Zhou B. Differential Expression of Rubisco in Sporophytes and Gametophytes of Some Marine Macroalgae. PLoS ONE,2011, 6(1):e16351. doi:16310.11371/journal.pone.0016351. [IMAGING-PAM]
47.       Weerman EJ, Herman PMJ, van de Koppel J. Macrobenthos abundance and distribution on a spatially patterned intertidal flat. Marine Ecology Progress Series,2011, 440:95-103. [IMAGING-PAM]
48.       Woo NS, Gordon MJ, Graham SR, Rossel JB, Badger MR, Pogson BJ. A mutation in the purine biosynthetic enzyme ATASE2 impacts high light signalling and acclimation responses in green and chlorotic sectors of Arabidopsis leaves. Functional Plant Biology,2011, 38(5):401-419. [IMAGING-PAM]
49.       Yang R-L, Zhou W, Shen S-D, Wang G-C, He L-W, Pan G-H. Morphological and photosynthetic variations in the process of spermatia formation from vegetative cells in Porphyra yezoensis Ueda (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) and their responses to desiccation. Planta,2011:in press    DOI 10.1007/s00425-00011-01549-y. [IMAGING-PAM, DUAL-PAM-100]
50.       Yokotani N, Higuchi M, Kondou Y, Ichikawa T, Iwabuchi M, Hirochika H, Matsui M, Oda K. A novel chloroplast protein, CEST induces tolerance to multiple environmental stresses and reduces photooxidative damage in transgenic Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany,2011, 62(2):557-569. [IMAGING-PAM]
51.       Zhang J, Tian S, Lu L, Shohag MJI, Liao H, Yang X. Lead tolerance and cellular distribution in Elsholtzia splendens using synchrotron radiation micro-X-ray fluorescence. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2011, 197:264-271. [IMAGING-PAM]
52.       Zhang KM, Wang XM, Cui JX, Ogweno JO, Shi K, Zhou YH, Yu JQ. Characteristics of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in red and green leaves of Begonia semperflorens Biologia Plantarum,2011, 55(2):361-364. [IMAGING-PAM]
53.       Zhang Q, Su L-J, Chen J-W, Zeng X-Q, Sun B-Y, Peng C-L. The antioxidative role of anthocyanins in Arabidopsis under high-irradiance. Biologia Plantarum,2011:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
54.       Zhang WN, Chen WL. Role of salicylic acid in alleviating photochemical damage and autophagic cell death induction of cadmium stress in Arabidopsis thaliana Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences,2011, 10:947-955. [IMAGING-PAM]
55.       Zhu H, Dardick CD, Beers EP, Callanhan AM, Xia R, Yuan R. Transcriptomics of shading-induced and NAA-induced abscission in apple (Malus domestica) reveals a shared pathway involving reduced photosynthesis, alterations in carbohydrate transport and signaling and hormone crosstalk. BMC Plant Biology,2011, 11:doi:10.1186/1471-2229-1111-1138. [IMAGING-PAM]
56.       李娟, 彭镇华, 高健, 陈媛文. 干旱胁迫下黄条金刚竹的光合和叶绿素荧光特性. 应用生态学报,2011, 22(6):1395-1402. [IMAGING-PAM]
57.       林丽, 高志奎, 王梅, 薛占军. 高温对北方白黄瓜果实表面光系统Ⅱ光能利用效率的影响. 中国农学通报,2011, 27(8):181-184. [IMAGING-PAM]
58.       罗黄颖, 高洪波, 夏庆平, 宫彬彬, 吴晓蕾. γ-氨基丁酸对盐胁迫下番茄活性氧代谢及叶绿素荧光参数的影响. 中国农业科学,2011, 44(4):753-761. [IMAGING-PAM]
59.       欧阳慧灵, 孔祥臻, 何玘霜, 秦宁, 何伟, 王雁, 王戎, 徐福留. Cu2+对普通小球藻的光合毒性:初始藻密度的影响. 生态毒理学报,2011, 6(5):499-506. [IMAGING-PAM]
60.       王静静, 陈辉, 李宗波. 小蠹虫危害对秦岭华山松叶绿素荧光动力学参数的影响. 西北林学院学报,2011, 26(1):35-38. [IMAGING-PAM]
61.       王俊玲, 高志奎, 赵飞. 热激胁迫对番茄果实表面光系统活性的影响. 园艺学报,2011, 38(4):675-682. [IMAGING-PAM]
62.       夏庆平, 高洪波, 李敬蕊. γ-氨基丁酸( GABA) 对低氧胁迫下甜瓜幼苗光合作用和叶绿素荧光参数的影响. 应用生态学报,2011, 22(4):999-1006. [IMAGING-PAM]
63.       杨柳, 董浚键, 陈文利. 病原菌Pst DC3000侵染拟南芥导致自噬和光合作用的抑制. 生物物理学报,2011, 27(6):517-527. [IMAGING-PAM]
64.       张顺堂, 张桂莲, 陈立云, 肖应辉. 高温胁迫对水稻剑叶净光合速率和叶绿素荧光参数的影响. 中国水稻科学,2011, 25(3):335-338. [IMAGING-PAM]
65.       赵洪兵, 郭会君, 赵林姝, 古佳玉, 赵世荣, 李军辉, 刘录祥. 空间环境诱变小麦叶绿素缺失突变株的主要农艺性状和光合特性. 作物学报,2011, 37(1):119-126. [IMAGING-PAM]
66.       左胜鹏, 叶良涛, 马永清. 不同生态型化感冬小麦抽穗期的荧光动力学特性. 中国生态农业学报,2011, 19(2):331-337. [IMAGING-PAM]
67.       Ajjawi I, Lu Y, Savage LJ, Bell SM, Last RL. Large-Scale Reverse Genetics in Arabidopsis: Case Studies from the Chloroplast 2010 Project. Plant Physiology,2010, 152:529-540. [IMAGING-PAM]
68.       Armbruster U, Zühlke J, Rengstl B, Kreller R, Makarenko E, Rühle T, Schünemann D, Jahns P, Weisshaar B, Nickelsen J et al. The Arabidopsis Thylakoid Protein PAM68 Is Required for Efficient D1 Biogenesis and Photosystem II Assembly. The Plant Cell,2010, 22(10):3439-3460. [IMAGING-PAM]
69.       Behr M, Humbeck K, Hause G, Deising HB, Wirsel SGR. The Hemibiotroph Colletotrichum graminicola Locally Induces Photosynthetically Active Green Islands but Globally Accelerates Senescence on Aging Maize Leaves. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,2010, 23(7):879-892. [IMAGING-PAM]
70.       Bonfig KB, Gabler A, Simon UK, Luschin-Ebengreuth N, Hatz M, Berger S, Muhammad N, Zeier J, Sinha AK, Roitsch T. Post-Translational Derepression of Invertase Activity in Source Leaves via Down-Regulation of Invertase Inhibitor Expression Is Part of the Plant Defense Response Molecular Plant,2010, 3(6):1037-1048. [IMAGING-PAM]
71.       Császár NBM, Ralph PJ, Frankham R, Berkelmans R, van Oppen MJH. Estimating the Potential for Adaptation of Corals to Climate Warming. PLoS ONE,2010, 5(3):e9751. doi:9710.1371/journal.pone.0009751. [IMAGING-PAM]
72.       Du GY, Oak JH, LI H, Chung IK. Effect of light and sediment grain size on the vertical migration of enthic diatoms. Algae,2010, 25(3):133-140. [IMAGING-PAM]
73.       Fischer-Kilbienski I, Miao Y, Roitsch T, Zschiesche W, Humbeck K, Krupinska K. Nuclear targeted AtS40 modulates senescence associated gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana during natural development and in darkness. Plant Molecular Biology,2010, 73(4-5):379-390. [IMAGING-PAM]
74.       Fu L-J, Shi K, Gu M, Zhou Y-H, Dong D-K, Liang W-S, Song F-M, Yu J-Q. Systemic Induction and Role of Mitochondrial Alternative Oxidase and Nitric Oxide in a Compatible Tomato–Tobacco mosaic virus Interaction. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,2010, 23(1):39-48. [IMAGING-PAM]
75.       Gao S, Chen X-Y, Yi Q-Q, Wang G-C, Pan G-H, Lin A-P, Peng G. A Strategy for the Proliferation of Ulva prolifera, Main Causative Species of Green Tides, with Formation of Sporangia by Fragmentation. PLoS One 2010, 5(1):e8571. doi:8510.1371/journal.pone.0008571. [IMAGING-PAM]
76.       Gimeno TE, Sommerville KE, Valladares F, Atkin OK. Homeostasis of respiration under drought and its important consequences for foliar carbon balance in a drier climate: insights from two contrasting Acacia species. Functional Plant Biology,2010, 37:323-333. [IMAGING-PAM]
77.       Goh C-H, Oh S-J, Jun S-S, Han T. External K+ Deficiency Inhibits Photosynthetic Activity Through Superoxide Anion Production in Protoplasts Isolated from the Thallus of Ulva pertusa Journal of Plant Biology,2010, 53(2):155-164. [IMAGING-PAM]
78.       Gould KS, Dudle DA, Neufeld HS. Why some stems are red: cauline anthocyanins shield photosystem II against high light stress. Journal of Experimental Botany,2010, 61(10):2707-2717. [IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2500, PAM-2000]
79.       Horst RJ, Doehlemann G, Wahl R, Hofmann J, Schmiedl A, Kahmann R, Kämper J, Sonnewald U, Voll LM. Ustilago maydis Infection Strongly Alters Organic Nitrogen Allocation in Maize and Stimulates Productivity of Systemic Source Leaves. Plant Physiology,2010, 152:293-308. [GFS-3000, MINI-IMAGING-PAM, GFS-IMAG]
80.       Huang H-Y, Lai W-L, Song L-Y, Shu Z, Yang C-W, Peng C-L. Increased Resistance of Arabidopsis CPR5 Mutant to H2O2-Induced Photooxidation. Pakistan Journal of Botany 2010, 42(2):1041-1049. [IMAGING-PAM]
81.       Ibáñez H, Ballester A, Muñoz R, Quiles MJ. Chlororespiration and tolerance to drought, heat and high illumination Journal of Plant Physiology,2010, 167(9):732-738. [IMAGING-PAM]
82.       Krupenina NA, Bulychev AA, Schreiber U. Chlorophyll fluorescence images demonstrate variable pathways in the effects of plasma membrane excitation on electron flow in chloroplasts of Chara cells. Protoplasma,2010, 248(3):513-522. [IMAGING-PAM]
83.       Letousey P, Baillieul F, Perrot G, Rabenoelina F, Boulay M, Vaillant-Gaveau N, Clément C, Fontaine F. Early Events Prior to Visual Symptoms in the Apoplectic Form of Grapevine Esca Disease. Phytopathology,2010, 100(5):424-431. [IMAGING-PAM]
84.       Lin AP, Wang GC, Shen SD, Yang F, Pan GH. Two specific causes of cell mortality in freeze-thaw cycle of young thalli of Porphyra yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology,2010, 46(4):773-779. [IMAGING-PAM]
85.       Liu N, Lin Z-F, Lin G-Z, Song L-Y, Chen S-W, Mo H, Peng C-L. Lead and cadmium induced alterations of cellular functions in leaves of Alocasia macrorrhiza L. Schott Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2010, 73(6):1238-1245. [IMAGING-PAM]
86.       Lü F, Wang GC, Niu JF. Photosynthetic performance of regenerated protoplasts from disintegrated cells of Bryopsis hypnoides (Chlorophyta) Photosynthetica,2010, 48(2):294-301. [IMAGING-PAM]
87.       Majer P, Sass L, Horvath GV, Hideg E. Leaf hue measurements offer a fast, high-throughput initial screening of photosynthesis in leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology,2010, 167:74-76. [IMAGING-PAM]
88.       Majer P, Stoyanova S, Hideg É. Do leaf total antioxidant capacities (TAC) reflect specific antioxidant potentials? – A comparison of TAC and reactive oxygen scavenging in tobacco leaf extracts Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology,2010, 100(1):38-43. [IMAGING-PAM]
89.       McElrone AJ, Hamilton JG, Krafnick AJ, Aldea M, Knepp RG, DeLucia EH. Combined effects of elevated CO2 and natural climatic variation on leaf spot diseases of redbud and sweetgum trees. Environmental Pollution,2010, 158(1):108-114. [IMAGING-PAM]
90.       Ohad I, Raanan H, Keren N, Tchernov D, Kaplan A. Light-Induced Changes within Photosystem II Protects Microcoleus sp. in Biological Desert Sand Crusts against Excess Light. PLoS ONE,2010, 5(6):e11000. . [PAM-2500, IMAGING-PAM]
91.       Pardow A, Hartard B, Lakatos M. Morphological, photosynthetic and water relations traits underpin the contrasting success of two tropical lichen groups at the interior and edge of forest fragments. AoB Plants,2010:plq004, doi:010.1093/aobpla/plq1004. [IMAGING-PAM]
92.       Perreault F, Oukarroum A, Pirastru L, Sirois L, Matias WG, Popovic R. Evaluation of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Toxicity Using Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Imaging in Lemna gibba. Journal of Botany,2010:doi:10.1155/2010/763142. [IMAGING-PAM]
93.       Pietrini F, Zacchini M, Iori V, Pietrosanti L, Ferretti M, Massacci A. Spatial distribution of cadmium in leaves and its impact on photosynthesis: examples of different strategies in willow and poplar clones. Plant Biology,2010, 12(2):355-363. [IMAGING-PAM, HCM-1000]
94.       Prabhakar V, Löttgert T, Geimer S, Dörmann P, Krüger S, Vijayakumar V, Schreiber L, Göbel C, Feussner K, Feussner I et al. Phosphoenolpyruvate Provision to Plastids Is Essential for Gametophyte and Sporophyte Development in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell,2010, 22(8):2594-2617. [IMAGING-PAM]
95.       Ren G, Zhou Q, Wu S, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Huang J, Sun Z, Kuai B. Reverse Genetic Identification of CRN1 and its Distinctive Role in Chlorophyll Degradation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2010, 52(5):496-504. [IMAGING-PAM]
96.       Skirycz A, De Bodt S, Obata T, De Clercq I, Claeys H, De Rycke R, Andriankaja M, Van Aken O, Van Breusegem F, Fernie AR et al. Developmental Stage Specificity and the Role of Mitochondrial Metabolism in the Response of Arabidopsis Leaves to Prolonged Mild Osmotic Stress. Plant Physiology,2010, 152:226-244. [IMAGING-PAM]
97.       Souza BD, Meiado MV, Rodrigues BM, Santos MG. Water relations and chlorophyll fluorescence responses of two leguminous trees from the Caatinga to different watering regimes Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2010, 32(2):235-244. [IMAGING-PAM]
98.       Takahashi S, Milward SE, Yamori W, Evans JR, Hillier W, Badger MR. The solar action spectrum of photosystem II damage. Plant Physiology,2010, 153:988-993. [IMAGING-PAM]
99.       Tognetti VB, Van Aken O, Morreel K, Vandenbroucke K, van de Cotte B, De Clercq I, Chiwocha S, Fenske R, Prinsen E, Boerjan W et al. Perturbation of Indole-3-Butyric Acid Homeostasis by the UDP-Glucosyltransferase UGT74E2 Modulates Arabidopsis Architecture and Water Stress Tolerance. The Plant Cell,2010, 22(8):2660-2679. [IMAGING-PAM]
100.     Velikova V, Salerno G, Frati F, Peri E, Conti E, Colazza S, Loreto F. Influence of Feeding and Oviposition by Phytophagous Pentatomids on Photosynthesis of Herbaceous Plants Journal of Chemical Ecology 2010, 36(6):629-641. [IMAGING-PAM]
101.     Wang W-J, Sun X-T, Wang F-J. EVect of blue light on early sporophyte development of Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyta). Marine Biology,2010, 157:1811-1817. [IMAGING-PAM]
102.     Wulff-Zottele C, Gatzke N, Kopka J, Orellana A, Hoefgen R, Fisahn J, Hesse H. Photosynthesis and metabolism interact during acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to high irradiance and sulphur depletion. Plant Cell and Environment,2010, 33(11):1974-1988. [IMAGING-PAM]
103.     Xie X, Wang G, Pan G, Gao S, Xu P, Zhu J. Variations in morphology and PSII photosynthetic capabilities during the early development of tetraspores of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). BMC Developmental Biology,2010, 10:43. [MICROSCOPY-IMAGING-PAM]
104.     Yiotis C, Manetas Y. Sinks for photosynthetic electron flow in green petioles and pedicels of Zantedeschia aethiopica: evidence for innately high photorespiration and cyclic electron flow rates Planta,2010, 232(2):523-531. [IMAGING-PAM]
105.     Zeng X-Q, Chow WS, Su L-J, Peng X-X, Peng C-L. Protective effect of supplemental anthocyanins on Arabidopsis leaves under high light. Physiologia Plantarum,2010, 138(2):215-225. [IMAGING-PAM]
106.     Zok A, Oláh R, Hideg É, Horváth VG, Kós PB, Majer P, Váradi G, Szegedi E. Effect of Medicago sativa ferritin gene on stress tolerance in transgenic grapevine Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture,2010, 100(3):339-344. [IMAGING-PAM, MINI-PAM]
107.     常乐, 夏宜平, 楼建华, 陈菁珏. 践踏胁迫对4 种园林地被植物叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 园艺学报,2010, 37(10):1675-1680. [IMAGING-PAM]
108.     程建峰, 陈根云, 沈允钢. 神农架林区不同类型植物的叶片特征与光合性能研究. 生态环境学报,2010, 19(1):165-171. [DUAL-PAM-100, IMAGING-PAM]
109.     段晓琼, 唐秋菊, 褚胜利, 杜林方. 利用Imaging-PAM研究莱茵衣藻对环境变化的影响. 植物生理学通讯,2010, 46(3):263-267. [IMAGING-PAM]
110.     高秀, 冉艳, 胡源, 褚胜利, 杜林方. 不用叶龄拟南芥叶片中STN7激酶表达的研究. 四川大学学报,2010, 47(6):1453-1457. [IMAGING-PAM]
111.     李晓晶, 高志奎, 梅王, 刘传斌, 梅李. 细胞分裂素对番茄子房和果实表面光系统Ⅱ光能吸收利用的影响. 园艺学报,2010, 37(4):1-8. [IMAGING-PAM]
112.     陆燕元, 邓西平. 转入Cu/ Zn SOD 和APX 基因对甘薯旱后复水的恢复作用. 西北农林科技大学学报,2010, 38(1):67-74. [IMAGING-PAM]
113.     梅王, 高志奎, 薛占军. 套袋对番茄果实表面光系统Ⅱ光能吸收利用的影响. 应用生态学报,2010, 21(9):2329-2334. [IMAGING-PAM]
114.     宋春春, 蒋文伟, 朱欣欣. 不同富营养化处理对再力花叶绿素及其荧光参数的影响. 吉林农业,2010(5):74-76. [MINI-PAM, IMAGING-PAM]
115.    唐文邦, 张桂莲, 肖应辉, 邓化冰, 范科, 刘国华, 陈立云. C两优系列杂交稻组合生育后期剑叶生理生化特性研究. 中国水稻科学,2010, 24(2):169-174. [IMAGING-PAM]
116.     伍小兵, 成雨洁, 邓西平, 郭尚洙. 叶片喷施H2O2 以及转入Cu/Zn SOD 和APX基因对甘薯幼苗冷后恢复的作用. 中国农业科学,2010, 43(7):1379-1388. [IMAGING-PAM]
117.     虞龙, 苗秀珍, 于洋, 张民, 阳振, 叶琳琳, 孔繁翔. 应用新型调制荧光成像系统(Imaging-PAM)原位评估底泥毒性的方法. 环境化学,2010, 29(6):1116-1120. [IMAGING-PAM]
118.     赵洪兵, 郭会君, 赵林姝, 古佳玉, 赵世荣, 李军辉, 刘录祥. 一个空间诱变的温度敏感型冬小麦叶绿素突变体的初步研究. 核农学报,2010, 24(6):1110-1116. [IMAGING-PAM]
119.     郑有飞, 赵泽, 吴荣军, 张金恩, 胡程达. 臭氧胁迫对冬小麦光响应能力及PSⅡ光能吸收与利用的影响. 生态学报,2010, 30(24):6771-6780. [IMAGING-PAM]

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