产品型号:便携式调制叶绿素荧光仪MINI-PAM-德国WALZ Mini-PAM——外观Mini,但功能绝不Mini! PNAS、Plant Cell、Plant Physiology等顶级期刊上经常见到它的身影 Schreiber教授因发明PAM系列调制叶绿素荧光仪而获得首届国际光合作用协会(ISPR)创新奖
1983年,WALZ公司首席科学家、德国乌兹堡大学的Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世界第一台调制荧光仪——PAM-101/102/103,并在植物生理、生态、农学、林学、水生生物学等领域得到广泛应用,出版了大量高水平研究文献。但该仪器比较笨重,不易带到野外。 1992年,Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世界第一台便携式调制荧光仪——PAM-2000(现已升级到PAM-2100),由于其既能在室内使用,也方便野外使用,因此在此后十几年中成为全球最畅销的调制荧光仪。 1996年,WALZ公司在浓缩PAM-2000功能的基础上,设计制造了一台更加方便携带的超便携式调制荧光仪——MINI-PAM。该仪器对PAM-2000的功能进行了浓缩,更加适合野外操作,同时价格也更加便宜。
系统描述 MINI-PAM采用了独特的调制技术和饱和脉冲技术,从而可以通过选择性的原位测量叶绿素荧光来检测植物光合作用的变化。MINI-PAM的调制测量光足够低,可以只激发色素的本底荧光而不引起任何的光合作用,从而可以真实的记录基础荧光Fo。MINI-PAM具有很强的灵敏度和选择性,使其即使在很强的、未经滤光片处理的环境下(如全日照甚至是10000 μmol m-2 s-1的饱和光强下)也可测定荧光产量而不受到干扰。MINI-PAM是野外光合作用研究的强大工具。 超便携式调制叶绿素荧光仪MINI-PAM的特点在于快速、可靠的测量光合作用光化学能量转换的实际量子产量。此外,MINI-PAM秉承了WALZ公司PAM系列产品的一贯优点,通过应用调制测量光来选择性的测量活体叶绿素荧光。基于创新性的光电设计和高级微处理器技术,MINI-PAM在达到超便携设计的同时可以得到灵敏、可靠的结果。同时,MINI-PAM的操作非常简单。 测量光合量子产量只需一个按键(START)操作即可,仪器会自动测量荧光产量(F)和最大荧光(Fm),并计算光合量子产量(Y=ΔF/Fm),得到的数据会在液晶显示屏上显示同时自动存储。此外MINI-PAM还有许多模式(MODE)菜单,包括荧光淬灭分析(qP、qN和NPQ)和记录光响应曲线等,以满足用户的特殊需要。 连接光适应叶夹2030-B后,可以测量光合有效辐射(PAR)、叶片温度和相对电子传递速率(rETR)。内置电池可以满足1000次量子产量测量的需要,仪器内存可以存储4000组数据。 Windows操作软件WinControl可以进行数据传输、数据分析和遥控操作。 标准版的MINI-PAM采用红光作为测量光。根据用户需要,我们也可提供以蓝光(470 nm)作为测量光的MINI-PAM。
特点1)声誉卓著的PAM-2000的浓缩版 2)精巧、准确、迅速、操作简便的高级光合作用检测设备 3)可单机操作(采用内置电脑),可连接外置电脑操作(Windows操作软件WinControl) 4)超便携式设计,带液晶显示屏和8个按键 5)强大的数据收集、分析和存贮功能 6)能耗低,内置锂电池可满足长时间野外工作需要,并可连接外置12 V电池 7)多种叶夹可供选择,专利设计的光适应叶夹2030-B可同时记录PAR和温度变化 8)光源选择:自然光,内置光源(提供测量光、光化光和饱和脉冲),可选外置卤素灯光源(特别适合野外研究) 功能1)可测荧光诱导曲线并进行淬灭分析(Fo, Fm, Fv/Fm, F, Fm', ΔF/Fm’, qP, qN, NPQ, rETR, PAR和叶温等) 2)可测光响应曲线和快速光曲线(RLC) 3)51个内置模式菜单,方便参数设置和标准测量 4)可在线监测植物、微藻、地衣、苔藓等的光合作用变化 5)功能强大,特别适合野外操作,实验室内利用WinControl控制时可自编程序
应用领域 仪器设计特别适合野外使用,可用于研究光合作用机理、各种环境因子(光、温、营养等)对植物生理状态的影响、植物抗逆性(干旱、冷、热、涝、UV、病毒、污染、重金属等)、植物的长期生态学变化等。在植物生理学、植物生态学、植物病理学、农学、林学、园艺学、水生生物学、环境科学、毒理学、微藻生物技术、极地植物光合作用研究等领域有着广泛应用。
系统组成 MINI-PAM的基本组成包括主机(1)和光纤(2)。主机内置大容量可充电锂电池(12 V/2 Ah),可供长时间野外操作(约1000次量子产量测定)。标准系统还包括一个电池充电器(3)和一个“距离叶夹”(4),以及一个运输箱(5)。 可选附件包括:可在测量荧光参数的同时测量PAR和温度的光适应叶夹2030-B(6);微型光量子/温度传感器2060-M(7),可用于测量非叶片状样品的PAR和温度;可安装2030-B或2060-M的三角架ST-2101A(8);暗适应叶夹DLC-8(9),带滑片开关,重4 g;微光纤(10),可用于测量微型样品,或与便携式光合作用测量系统GFS-3000的叶室连用在自然光下同步测量气体交换和叶绿素荧光。
可与光合仪连用,同步测量气体交换和荧光 MINI-PAM可以利用微光纤与便携式光合作用测量系统GFS-3000连用,在完全不遮荫的自然光下同步测量气体交换与叶绿素荧光,特别适合野外生理、生态学研究。
技术参数测量光:红色发光二极管(LED),650 nm;标准光强0.15 μmol m-2 s-1PAR;调制频率0.6或20 kHz,自动转换。 光化光:卤素灯,8V/20W,蓝色增强,λ<710 nm,最大连续光强6000 μmol m-2 s-1PAR。 饱和脉冲:卤素灯,8V/20W,蓝色增强,λ<710 nm,最大饱和闪光强度18000 μmol m-2 s-1PAR。 信号检测:PIN-光电二极管,带短波截止滤光片(标准版:λ>710 nm;MINI-PAM/B:λ>650 nm);选择性锁相放大器(专利设计)。 数据存储:CMOS RAM 128 KB,可存储4000组数据 测量参数:Fo, Fm, Fm’, F, Fv/Fm(max. Yield), ΔF/Fm’(Yield), qP, qN, NPQ, ETR, PAR和叶温等。 环境温度:-5~+40℃,在极地研究中得到成功应用 部分文献
1. Beckmann M, Hock M, Bruelheide H, Erfmeier A. The role of UV-B radiation in the invasion of Hieracium pilosella - a comparison of German and New Zealand plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany,2012, 75:173-180. [MINI-PAM] 2. Vasilakoglou I, Dhima K. Leafy and semi-leafless field pea competition with winter wild oat as affected by weed density. Field Crops Research,2012, 126(14):130-136. [MINI-PAM] 3. Wang H-B, Xie F, Yao Y-Z, Zhao B, Xiao Q-Q, Pan Y-H, Wang H-J. The effects of arsenic and induced-phytoextraction methods on photosynthesis in Pteris species with different arsenic-accumulating abilities Environmental and Experimental Botany,2012, 75:298-306. [MINI-PAM] 4. Zhang L, Chen Y, Zhao R, Li W. Soil carbon dioxide flux from shelterbelts in farmland in temperate arid region, northwest China. European Journal of Soil Biology,2012, 48:24-31. [MINI-PAM] 5. Aragón C, Carvalho L, González J, Escalona M, Amancio S. The physiology of ex vitro pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr. var MD-2) as CAM or C3 is regulated by the environmental conditions Plant Cell Reports,2011:in press DOI: 10.1007/s00299-00011-01195-00297Online First™. [MINI-PAM] 6. Arena C, Mistretta C, Di Natale E, Mennella MRF, De Santo AV, Maio AD. Characterization and role of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in the Mediterranean species Cistus incanus L. under different temperature conditions. . Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2011, 49(4):435-440. [MINI-PAM] 7. Arena C, Vitale L, de Santo AV. Influence of irradiance on photosynthesis and PSII photochemical efficiency in maize during short-term exposure at high CO2 concentration Photosynthetica,2011, 49(2):267-274. [MINI-PAM, GMA-4] 8. Asensi-Fabado MA, Munné-Bosch S. The aba3-1 Mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana Withstands Moderate Doses of Salt Stress by Modulating Leaf Growth and Salicylic Acid Levels Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,2011, 30(4):456-466. [MINI-PAM] 9. Barros FdV, Goulart MF, Telles SBS, Lovato MB, Valladares F, de Lemos-Filho JP. Phenotypic plasticity to light of two congeneric trees from contrasting habitats: Brazilian Atlantic Forest versus cerrado (savanna). Plant Biology,2011:in press. [MINI-PAM] 10. Beniwal RS, Hooda MS, Polle A. Amelioration of planting stress by soil amendment with a hydrogel–mycorrhiza mixture for early establishment of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings Annals of Forest Science,2011, 68(4):803-810. [MINI-PAM] 11. Blanco NE, Ceccoli RD, Segretin ME, Poli HO, Voss I, Melzer M, Bravo-Almonacid FF, Scheibe R, Hajirezaei M-R, Carrillo N. Cyanobacterial flavodoxin complements ferredoxin deficiency in knocked-down transgenic tobacco plants. The Plant Journal,2011, 65(6):922-935. [MINI-PAM] 12. Cela J, Chang C, Munné-Bosch S. Accumulation of γ- rather than α-Tocopherol Alters Ethylene Signaling Gene Expression in the vte4 Mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant & Cell Physiology,2011, 52(8):1389-1400. [MINI-PAM] 13. Di Pippo F, Ellwood NTW, Guzzon A, Siliato L, Micheletti E, De Philippis R, Albertano PB. Effect of light and temperature on biomass, photosynthesis and capsular polysaccharides in cultured phototrophic biofilms Journal of Applied Phycology,2011:in press. [MINI-PAM] 14. Förster B, Pogson BJ, Osmond CB. Lutein from Deepoxidation of Lutein Epoxide Replaces Zeaxanthin to Sustain an Enhanced Capacity for Nonphotochemical Chlorophyll Fluorescence Quenching in Avocado Shade Leaves in the Dark. Plant Physiology,2011, 156(1):393-403. [MINI-PAM] 15. França MGC, Prados LMZ, de Lemos-Filho JP, Ranieri BD, Vale FHA. Morphophysiological differences in leaves of Lavoisiera campos-portoana (Melastomataceae) enhance higher drought tolerance in water shortage events Journal of Plant Research,2011:in press. [MINI-PAM] 16. Gaudet M, Pietrini F, Beritognolo I, Iori V, Zacchini M, Massacci A, Mugnozza GS, Sabatti M. Intraspecific variation of physiological and molecular response to cadmium stress in Populus nigra L. Tree Physiology,2011:in press. [MINI-PAM, HCM-1000] 17. Hanssen IM, van Esse HP, Ballester A-R, Hogewoning SW, Parra NO, Paeleman A, Lievens B, Bovy AG, Thomma BPHJ. Differential Tomato Transcriptomic Responses Induced by Pepino Mosaic Virus Isolates with Differential Aggressiveness. Plant Physiology,2011, 156(1):301-318. [MINI-PAM] 18. Hernández I, Alegrea L, Munné-Bosch S. Plant aging and excess light enhance flavan-3-ol content in Cistus clusii Journal of Plant Physiology,2011, 168(2):96-102. [MINI-PAM] 19. Hill R, Scott A. The influence of irradiance on the severity of thermal bleaching in sea anemones that host anemonefish. Coral Reefs,2011:in press. [MINI-PAM] 20. Holland V, Brüggemann W. Photosynthetic properties of Quercus × hispanica Lam. and Q. suber L. under harsh Central European winter conditions. Photosynthetica,2011, 49(3):459-465. [GFS-3000, MINI-PAM] 21. Ignatova LK, Rudenko NN, Mudrik VA, Fedorchuk TP, Ivanov BN. Carbonic anhydrase activity in Arabidopsis thaliana thylakoid membrane and fragments enriched with PSI or PSII. Photosynthesis Research,2011, 110(2):89-98. [MINI-PAM] 22. Ito T, Asano Y, Tanaka Y, Takabe T. Regulation of biosynthesis of dimethylsulfoniopropionate and its uptake in sterile mutant of Ulva Pertusa (Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology,2011, 47(3):517-523. [MINI-PAM] 23. Izawa T, Mihara M, Suzuki Y, Gupta M, Itoh H, Nagano AJ, Motoyama R, Sawada Y, Yano M, Hirai MY et al. Os-GIGANTEA Confers Robust Diurnal Rhythms on the Global Transcriptome of Rice in the Field. The Plant Cell,2011, 23:1741-1755. [MINI-PAM] 24. Jentsch A, Kreyling J, Elmer M, Gellesch E, Glaser B, Grant K, Hein R, Lara M, Mirzae H, Nadler SE et al. Climate extremes initiate ecosystem-regulating functions while maintaining productivity. Journal of Ecology,2011, 99(3):689-702. [MINI-PAM, PAM-2000] 25. Laureau C, Bligny R, Streb P. The significance of glutathione for photoprotection at contrasting temperatures in the alpine plant species Soldanella alpina and Ranunculus glacialis. Physiologia Plantarum,2011, 143(3):246-260. [MINI-PAM] 26. Liu C, Guo J, Cui Y, Lü T, Zhang X, Shi G. Effects of cadmium and salicylic acid on growth, spectral reflectance and photosynthesis of castor bean seedlings Plant and Soil,2011, 344(1-2):131-141. [MINI-PAM] 27. Matthijs HCP, Visser PM, Reeze B, Meeuse J, Slot PC, Wijn G, Talens R, Huisman J. Selective suppression of harmful cyanobacteria in an entire lake with hydrogen peroxide. Water Research,2011:in press. [MINI-PAM] 28. Nebauer SG, Renau-Morata B, Guardiola JL, Molina R-V, Pereira J. Photosynthesis down-regulation precedes carbohydrate accumulation under sink limitation in Citrus. Tree Physiology,2011, 31(2):169-177. [MINI-PAM] 29. Oelze M-L, Vogel MO, Alsharafa K, Kahmann U, Viehhauser A, Maurino VG, Dietz K-J. Efficient acclimation of the chloroplast antioxidant defence of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves in response to a 10- or 100-fold light increment and the possible involvement of retrograde signals Journal of Experimental Botany,2011:in press. [GFS-3000, MINI-PAM] 30. Offord CA. Pushed to the limit: consequences of climate change for the Araucariaceae: a relictual rain forest family. Annals of Botany,2011, 108(2):347-357. [MINI-PAM] 31. Pang TSS, Gao S. Periodic exposure to ambient solar irradiance benefits the growth of juvenile seedlings of Hizikia fusiformis Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,2011, 29(5):1009-1014. [MINI-PAM] 32. Peng L, Fukao Y, Myouga F, Motohashi R, Shinozaki K, Shikanai T. A Chaperonin Subunit with Unique Structures Is Essential for Folding of a Specific Substrate. Plos Biology,2011, 9(4):e1001040. doi:1001010.1001371/journal.pbio.1001040. [MINI-PAM] 33. Peng L, Shikanai T. Supercomplex Formation with Photosystem I Is Required for the Stabilization of the Chloroplast NADH Dehydrogenase-Like Complex in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology,2011, 155(4):1629-1639. [MINI-PAM] 34. Piccotto M, Bidussi M, Tretiach M. Effects of the urban environmental conditions on the chlorophyll a fluorescence emission in transplants of three ecologically distinct lichens Environmental and Experimental Botany,2011, 73:102-107. [MINI-PAM] 35. Raggio J, Pintado A, Ascaso C, De La Torre R, De Los Ríos A, Wierzchos J, Horneck G, Sancho LG. Whole Lichen Thalli Survive Exposure to Space Conditions: Results of Lithopanspermia Experiment with Aspicilia fruticulosa. Astrobiology,2011:in press. [MINI-PAM, GFS-3000] 36. Reyes-García C, Mejia-Chang M, Griffiths H. High but not dry: diverse epiphytic bromeliad adaptations to exposure within a seasonally dry tropical forest community. New Phytologist,2011:in press. [MINI-PAM] 37. Sánchez-Vilas J, Retuerto R. Reproduction reduces photosynthetic capacity in females of the subdioecious Honckenya peploides Acta Oecologica,2011, 37(2):155-163. [MINI-PAM] 38. Schmidt C, Heinz P, Kucera M, Uthicke S. Temperature-induced stress leads to bleaching in larger benthic foraminifera hosting endosymbiotic diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography,2011, 56(5):1587-1602. [MINI-PAM, IMAGING-PAM] 39. Seo J-S, Joo J, Kim M-J, Kim Y-K, Nahm BH, Song SI, Cheong J-J, Lee JS, Kim J-K, Choi YD. OsbHLH148, a basic helix–loop–helix protein, interacts with OsJAZ proteins in jasmonate signaling pathway leading to drought tolerance in rice. Plant Journal,2011, 65(6):907-921. [MINI-PAM] 40. Seo J-S, Joo J, Kim M-J, Kim Y-K, Nahm BH, Song SI, Cheong J-J, Lee JS, Kim J-K, Choi YD. OsbHLH148, a basic helix-loop-helix protein, interacts with OsJAZ proteins in a jasmonate signaling pathway leading to drought tolerance in rice. The Plant Journal,2011, 65(6):907-921. [MINI-PAM] 41. Stemke JA, Santiago LS. Consequences of light absorptance in calculating electron transport rate of desert and succulent plants Photosynthetica,2011, 49(2):195-200. [MINI-PAM] 42. Tezara W, Colombo R, Coronel I, Marín O. Water relations and photosynthetic capacity of two species of Calotropis in a tropical semi-arid ecosystem Annals of Botany,2011, 107(3):397-405. [MINI-PAM] 43. Tretiach M, Pavanetto S, Pittao E, di Toppi LS, Piccotto M. Water availability modifies tolerance to photo-oxidative pollutants in transplants of the lichen Flavoparmelia caperata Oecologia,2011:in press. [MINI-PAM] 44. Turóczy Z, Kis P, Török K, Cserháti M, Lendvai Á, Dudits D, Horváth GV. Overproduction of a rice aldo–keto reductase increases oxidative and heat stress tolerance by malondialdehyde and methylglyoxal detoxification Plant Molecular Biology,2011, 75(4-5):399-412. [MINI-PAM] 45. Yamamoto H, Peng L, Fukao Y, Shikanai T. An Src Homology 3 Domain-Like Fold Protein Forms a Ferredoxin Binding Site for the Chloroplast NADH Dehydrogenase-Like Complex in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell,2011, 23(4):1480-1493. [MINI-PAM] 46. Zunzunegui M, Barradas MCD, Ain-Lhout F, Alvarez-Cansino L, Esquivias MP, Novo FG. Seasonal physiological plasticity and recovery capacity after summer stress in Mediterranean scrub communities Plant Ecology,2011, 212(1):127-147. [MINI-PAM] 47. 刘辉, 张国平, 沈国正, 傅巧娟阮松林. 一串红品种神州红和帝王对高温胁迫的响应. 浙江大学学报,2011, 37(2):155-161. [MINI-PAM] 48. 王海红, 束良佐, 周秀杰, 刘松, 王兆, 张雪颖, 戴淸. 局部根区水分胁迫下氮对玉米生长的影响. 核农学报,2011, 25(1):149-154. [MINI-PAM] 49. 张静, 张元明. 冻融过程对生物结皮中齿肋赤藓叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 中国沙漠,2011, 31(6):1479-1487. [MINI-PAM] 50. 张铮, 钱宝云, 程晓庆, 刘彩凤, 史刚荣. 胺鲜酯和镉对蓖麻幼苗光合生理特性的影响. 核农学报,2011, 25(3):602-609. [MINI-PAM] 51. 朱成刚, 陈亚宁, 李卫红, 付爱红, 杨玉海. 干旱胁迫对胡杨PSII光化学效率和激能耗散的影响. 植物学报,2011, 46(4):413-424. [MINI-PAM] 52. 朱成刚, 李卫红, 马晓东, 马建新, 陈亚鹏. 塔里木河下游干旱胁迫下的胡杨叶绿素荧光特性研究. 中国沙漠,2011, 31(4):927-936. [MINI-PAM] 53. Álvarez-Cansino L, Zunzunegui M, Barradas MCD, Esquivias MP. Gender-specific costs of reproduction on vegetative growth and physiological performance in the dioecious shrub Corema album. Annals of Botany,2010, 106(6):989-998. [MINI-PAM] 54. Anjum MA. Response of Cleopatra mandarin seedlings to a polyamine-biosynthesis inhibitor under salt stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2010, 32(5):951-959. [MINI-PAM] 55. Beniwal RS, Langenfeld-Heyser R, Polle A. Ectomycorrhiza and hydrogel protect hybrid poplar from water deficit and unravel plastic responses of xylem anatomy Environmental and Experimental Botany,2010, 69(2):189-197. [MINI-PAM, HCM-1000] 56. de Oliveira DC, Isaias RMdS, Moreira ASFP, Magalhães TA, Lemos-Filho JPd. Is the oxidative stress caused by Aspidosperma spp. galls capable of altering leaf photosynthesis? . Plant Science,2010, 180(3):489-495. [MINI-PAM] 57. Díaz-Barradas MC, Zunzunegui M, Ain-Lhout F, Jáuregui J, Boutaleb S, Álvarez-Cansino L, Esquivias MP. Seasonal physiological responses of Argania spinosa tree from Mediterranean to semi-arid climate Plant and Soil,2010, 337(1-2):217-231. [MINI-PAM] 58. Doebbe A, Keck M, La Russa M, Mussgnug JH, Hankamer B, Tekçe E, Niehaus K, Kruse O. The interplay of proton, electron and metabolite supply for photosynthetic H2 production in C. reinhardtii. Journal of Biological Chemistry,2010, 282:30247-30260. [MINI-PAM] 59. Doyle SM, Diamond M, McCabe PF. Chloroplast and reactive oxygen species involvement in apoptotic-like programmed cell death in Arabidopsis suspension cultures. Journal of Experimental Botany,2010, 61(2):473-482. [MINI-PAM] 60. Du N, Guo W, Zhang X, Wang R. Morphological and physiological responses of Vitex negundo L. var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehd. to drought stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2010, 32(5):839-848. [GFS-3000, MINI-PAM] 61. Fabón G, Martínez-Abaigar J, Tomás R, Núñez-Olivera E. Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives extracted from different cell compartments in the aquatic liverwort it Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp.cordifolia. Physiologia Plantarum,2010, 140(3):269-279. [MINI-PAM] 62. Fleck I, Peña-Rojas K, Aranda X. Mesophyll conductance to CO2 and leaf morphological characteristics under drought stress during Quercus ilex L. resprouting. Ann For Sci,2010, 67(3):308. [MINI-PAM] 63. Führs H, Behrens C, Gallien S, Heintz D, Van Dorsselaer A, Braun H-P, Horst WJ. Physiological and proteomic characterization of manganese sensitivity and tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) in comparison with barley (Hordeum vulgare). Annals of Botany,2010, 105(7):1129-1140. [MINI-PAM] 64. Gotoh E, Kobayashi Y, Tsuyama M. The post-illumination chlorophyll fluorescence transient indicates the RuBP regeneration limitation of photosynthesis in low light in Arabidopsis FEBS Letters,2010, 584(14):3061-3064. [MINI-PAM] 65. 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